
MAR 2012

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/78716

Contents of this Issue


Page 46 of 167

ADI:B6M D>CIB:CI (loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic ointment) 0.5% POWER IN A PRESERVATIVE-FREE OINTMENT LOTEMAX® ointment is a corticosteroid indicated for the treatment of post-operative inflammation and pain following ocular surgery. ?d ( f^Wi[ )" hWdZec_p[Z" ckbj_Y[dj[h" ZekXb[#cWia[Z" fWhWbb[b#]hekf" *#m[[a" Yb_d_YWb iW\[jo WdZ [öYWYo [lWbkWj_edi e\ BEJ;C7N® ointment (loteprednol [jWXedWj[ ef^j^Wbc_Y e_djc[dj &$+ li l[^_Yb[ c_d[hWb e_b WdZ m^_j[ f[jhebWjkc \eh j^[ jh[Wjc[dj e\ _dÔWccWj_ed WdZ fW_d \ebbem_d] YWjWhWYj ikh][ho D3.&+ " BEJ;C7N® e_djc[dj Z[cedijhWj[Z ijWj_ij_YWbbo i_]d_ÓYWdj h[iebkj_ed e\ Wdj[h_eh Y^WcX[h Y[bbi WdZ ÔWh[ (*#)( li ''#'* WdZ fW_d -)#-. li *'#*+ li l[^_Yb[ Wj feij#ef[hWj_l[ ZWo .1,2 9[bb Yekdj & WdZ de ÔWh[$ Important Risk Information about LOTEMAX® BEJ;C7N® ointment ointment, as with other ophthalmic corticosteroids, is contraindicated in most viral diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva including epithelial herpes simplex keratitis (dendritic keratitis), vaccinia, and varicella, and also in mycobacterial infection of the eye and fungal diseases of ocular structures Fhebed][Z ki[ e\ Yehj_Yeij[he_Zi cWo h[ikbj _d ]bWkYecW m_j^ ZWcW][ je j^[ efj_Y d[hl[" Z[\[Yji _d l_ikWb WYk_jo WdZ Ó[bZi of vision. If this product is used for 10 days or longer, IOP should be monitored Ki[ e\ Yehj_Yeij[he_Zi cWo h[ikbj _d feij[h_eh ikXYWfikbWh YWjWhWYj \ehcWj_ed WdZ cWo Z[bWo ^[Wb_d] WdZ _dYh[Wi[ j^[ incidence of bleb formation after cataract surgery. The initial prescription and renewal of the medication order beyond '* ZWoi i^ekbZ X[ cWZ[ Xo W f^oi_Y_Wd edbo W\j[h [nWc_dWj_ed e\ j^[ fWj_[dj m_j^ j^[ W_Z e\ cW]d_ÓYWj_ed 9ehj_Yeij[he_Zi cWo _dYh[Wi[ j^[ ^WpWhZ e\ i[YedZWho eYkbWh _d\[Yj_edi$ ?\ fW_d" h[Zd[ii" _jY^_d] eh _dÔWccWj_ed X[Yec[i aggravated, the patient should be advised to consult a physician. If signs and symptoms fail to improve after 2 days, the patient should be reevaluated. Fungal culture should be taken when appropriate FWj_[dji i^ekbZ dej m[Wh YedjWYj b[di[i Zkh_d] j^[_h Yekhi[ e\ j^[hWfo m_j^ BEJ;C7N® be used in children following ocular surgery as it may interfere with amblyopia treatment. LOTEMAX® intraocular administration ointment. LOTEMAX® should not is not indicated for J^[ ceij Yecced eYkbWh WZl[hi[ [l[dj" h[fehj[Z _d Wffhen_cWj[bo (+ e\ ikX`[Yji _d Yb_d_YWb ijkZ_[i" _i Wdj[h_eh Y^WcX[h _dÔWccWj_ed$ Ej^[h Yecced WZl[hi[ [l[dji" m_j^ Wd _dY_Z[dY[ e\ *#+ " Wh[ Yed`kdYj_lWb ^of[h[c_W" Yehd[Wb [Z[cW" WdZ eye pain. Many of these events may have been the consequence of the surgical procedure Please see the Brief Summary of the LOTEMAX® on the reverse side. For product-related questions and concerns, call 1-800-323-0000 or visit www.bausch.com. LOTEMAX is a registered trademark of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. ©2012 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. PH4247 1/12 ointment full prescribing information References: 1. LOTEMAX ophthalmic ointment Prescribing Information, April 2011. 2. 9ecijeYa JB" FWj[hde CH" I_d]^ 7" ;hX J" :Wl_i ;$ IW\[jo WdZ [öYWYo e\ bej[fh[Zdeb [jWXedWj[ ef^j^Wbc_Y e_djc[dj &$+ \eh j^[ jh[Wjc[dj e\ _dÔWccWj_ed WdZ fW_d \ebbem_d] YWjWhWYj ikh][ho$ Clin Ophthalmol$ (&''1+0'--#'.,$

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