
MAR 2012

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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March 2012 Do you have continued from page 19 Indication: The LenSx® Laser is indicated for use in patients undergoing cataract surgery for removal of the crystalline lens. Intended uses in cataract surgery include anterior capsulotomy, phacofragmentation, and the creation of single plane and multi-plane arc cuts/incisions in the cornea, each of which may be performed either individually or consecutively during the same procedure. Caution: United States Federal Law restricts this device to sale and use by or on the order of a physician or licensed eye care practitioner. United States Federal Law restricts the use of this device to practitioners who have been trained in the operation of this device. Restrictions: t 1BUJFOUT NVTU CF BCMF UP MJF øBU BOE NPUJPOMFTT JO B TVQJOF QPTJUJPO t 1BUJFOU NVTU CF BCMF UP VOEFSTUBOE BOE HJWF BO JOGPSNFE DPOTFOU t 1BUJFOUT NVTU CF BCMF UP UPMFSBUF MPDBM PS UPQJDBM BOFTUIFTJB t 1BUJFOUT XJUI FMFWBUFE *01 TIPVME VTF UPQJDBM TUFSPJET POMZ VOEFS DMPTF NFEJDBM supervision. Contraindications: t $PSOFBM EJTFBTF UIBU QSFDMVEFT BQQMBOBUJPO PG UIF DPSOFB PS USBOTNJTTJPO PG MBTFS light at 1030 nm wavelength t %FTDFNFUPDFMF XJUI JNQFOEJOH DPSOFBM SVQUVSF t 1SFTFODF PG CMPPE PS PUIFS NBUFSJBM JO UIF BOUFSJPS DIBNCFS t 1PPSMZ EJMBUJOH QVQJM TVDI UIBU UIF JSJT JT OPU QFSJQIFSBM UP UIF JOUFOEFE EJBNFUFS for the capsulotomy t $POEJUJPOT XIJDI XPVME DBVTF JOBEFRVBUF DMFBSBODF CFUXFFO UIF JOUFOEFE capsulotomy depth and the endothelium (applicable to capsulotomy only) t 1SFWJPVT DPSOFBM JODJTJPOT UIBU NJHIU QSPWJEF B QPUFOUJBM TQBDF JOUP XIJDI UIF gas produced by the procedure can escape t $PSOFBM UIJDLOFTT SFRVJSFNFOUT UIBU BSF CFZPOE UIF SBOHF PG UIF TZTUFN t $PSOFBM PQBDJUZ UIBU XPVME JOUFSGFSF XJUI UIF MBTFS CFBN t )ZQPUPOZ HMBVDPNB PS UIF QSFTFODF PG B DPSOFBM JNQMBOU t 3FTJEVBM SFDVSSFOU BDUJWF PDVMBS PS FZFMJE EJTFBTF JODMVEJOH BOZ DPSOFBM abnormality (for example, recurrent corneal erosion, severe basement membrane disease) t 5IJT EFWJDF JT OPU JOUFOEFE GPS VTF JO QFEJBUSJD TVSHFSZ t " IJTUPSZ PG MFOT XJUI [POVMBS JOTUBCJMJUZ t "OZ DPOUSBJOEJDBUJPO UP DBUBSBDU PS LFSBUPQMBTUZ TVSHFSZ Attention: 3FGFSFODF UIF %JSFDUJPOT GPS 6TF MBCFMJOH GPS B DPNQMFUF MJTUJOH PG JOEJDBUJPOT warnings and precautions. Warnings: The LenSx® Laser System should only be operated by a physician trained in its use. The LenSx® Laser delivery system employs one sterile disposable LenSx® Laser 1BUJFOU *OUFSGBDF DPOTJTUJOH PG BO BQQMBOBUJPO MFOT BOE TVDUJPO SJOH 5IF 1BUJFOU Interface is intended for single use only. The disposables used in conjunction XJUI "-$0/¥ JOTUSVNFOU QSPEVDUT DPOTUJUVUF B DPNQMFUF TVSHJDBM TZTUFN 6TF PG EJTQPTBCMFT PUIFS UIBO UIPTF NBOVGBDUVSFE CZ "MDPO NBZ BòFDU TZTUFN QFSGPSNBODF BOE DSFBUF QPUFOUJBM IB[BSET The physician should base patient selection criteria on professional experience, QVCMJTIFE MJUFSBUVSF BOE FEVDBUJPOBM DPVSTFT "EVMU QBUJFOUT TIPVME CF TDIFEVMFE to undergo cataract extraction. Precautions: t %P OPU VTF DFMM QIPOFT PS QBHFST PG BOZ LJOE JO UIF TBNF SPPN BT UIF -FO4Y¥ Laser. t %JTDBSE VTFE 1BUJFOU *OUFSGBDFT BT NFEJDBM XBTUF AEs/Complications: t $BQTVMPUPNZ QIBDPGSBHNFOUBUJPO PS DVU PS JODJTJPO EFDFOUSBUJPO t *ODPNQMFUF PS JOUFSSVQUFE DBQTVMPUPNZ GSBHNFOUBUJPO PS DPSOFBM JODJTJPO procedure t $BQTVMBS UFBS t $PSOFBM BCSBTJPO PS EFGFDU t 1BJO t *OGFDUJPO t #MFFEJOH t %BNBHF UP JOUSBPDVMBS TUSVDUVSFT t "OUFSJPS DIBNCFS øVJE MFBLBHF BOUFSJPS DIBNCFS DPMMBQTF t &MFWBUFE QSFTTVSF UP UIF FZF Dr. Hoffman accepts the grand prize from William J. Fishkind, M.D., judges' panel chair, at the 2011 ASCRS Film Festival Source: Convention Photo by Joe Orlando Inc./EyeWorld natural and jittery. In "MI," there are over a dozen various video clips that are flying in and out of the frac- tal backdrop throughout the film. Each one was independently edited before being placed in the final video. After finishing the visual por- tion of the film, the next step is to create the narration and soundtrack. For the soundtrack, I create an ambi- ent music track that slowly builds in complexity throughout the film. The best soundtracks are classical music since they add a synesthetic effect to your surgical technique. When people are watching your highly edited video with Mozart or Bach in the background, their mind confuses the elegance of the fine classical music with your surgical video, and again, you look better than you really are. One mistake I see some producers make is having music in the background that over- whelms their video. In "MI," I tried to create an ambient track that was barely noticeable after the first minute. With each new section of the film, I added a new musical in- strument or element to avoid bore- dom and build suspense, and at the end, I dropped out many of the ele- ments, to signal that the film was concluding. The music software pro- gram that I use allows me to watch the video and add sound effects pre- cisely. If you watch "MI," you will hear high-pitched sweeps as the video clips enter the screen from the side or from the back. You can also hear a stretching sound when the wound is "stretched" in the drawing section, and the sound of pages of ª /PWBSUJT -49 +"% the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery turning during the page turn feature of the drawing section. The final step is to narrate the film. When I am putting the video clips together, I have in my mind what I am going to say and how long each clip should last. For the actual narration, I write out a script and then record it several times. In this way, I can cut out mistakes and use portions of other "takes" so that I don't have to narrate the whole 8 minutes perfectly. The music pro- gram I use for narration allows me to remove pops and sibilance (that's the exaggerated S sound some peo- ple make when recording their voice), and I can add a little reverb and equalize frequencies to improve the quality of my voice. There is a free program that can be down- loaded online called Audacity that has most of what the average user would need for audio recording and editing. Creating and submitting a film to the ASCRS Film Festival can be very rewarding for both the pro- ducer and viewers who will hope- fully learn from the film. I have found that although it can be a time-consuming project, it is incred- ibly fun to get lost in the creative process. I encourage any surgeons who feel they have something to teach to take the plunge and try submitting a film. EW Editors' note: Dr. Hoffman has no financial interests related to this article. Contact information Hoffman: rshoffman@finemd.com

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