
MAR 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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E W Boston 2014 4 9 This year's Binkhorst Lecture recipient, Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, will discuss microinvasive glaucoma surgery I qbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD, assistant professor of ophthal- mology, University of Toronto, and head of ophthalmology at Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga, Ontario, has been cho- sen to receive this year's Binkhorst Medal and give the Binkhorst Lecture at the Opening General Session of the ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress in Boston on Saturday, April 26. "It honestly feels unreal," Dr. Ahmed said of receiving the honor. "Dr. Binkhorst was a huge pio- neer in our field who, despite skepti- cism and criticism, persevered by producing high-quality research and teaching around the world. The list of previous Binkhorst Medal lectur- ers includes many of the giants in our field," he said. "It is an immense honor and privilege to give this lecture, which is truly a testament to all those around me—my family, my teachers, my colleagues, my students, and most of all my patients," Dr. Ahmed said. "I'm truly humbled by this honor." Topic He will present the lecture "Microin- vasive Glaucoma Surgery: An Idea Whose Time Has Come." He called this topic his "life work" and said that the surgical treatment of glau- coma was why he undertook a glau- coma fellowship with his mentor A lan S. Crandall, MD. Dr. Ahmed is gathering information to discuss on microinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), a hot topic not only in the field of glaucoma but throughout ophthalmology, as the innovations alter surgical possibilities for these patients. Dr. Ahmed said he would com- bine his extensive research work with existing knowledge on the topic for a "thoughtful, philosophi- cal and evidence-based dissertation." He has a unique viewpoint on the subject—he invented the term. "Microinvasive glaucoma sur- gery, or MIGS, is a term for a new genre of interventional glaucoma devices to lower intraocular pres- sure," he said. "The idea of a surgical treatment for glaucoma spans over 150 years—with numerous attempts and failures. Trabeculectomy has been our gold-standard surgery for almost 50 years, yet the time has come for innovation." "Thanks to a larger basic science knowledge base, engineering and technological breakthroughs, scien- tific rigor, early clinical experience, and a changing culture within the ophthalmic community, the time has come for a new approach to treating glaucoma," Dr. Ahmed said. The dynamics of MIGS could lead to a true treatment paradigm shift, which he will address in his lecture. "MIGS is an ab interno ap- proached, minimally invasive method, typically using micro stents, to lower intraocular pressure and reduce medication requirements in an ultra-safe manner," he said. Lecture Dr. Ahmed offered a glimpse into what his talk will cover. "I hope to set the stage for a safer, interven- tional-based approach to treating g laucoma—looking at the history, opportunities, and needs," he said. He will follow this information with a short update of current MIGS devices to demonstrate "how this disruptive technology may be har- nessed for clinical success," he said. "Differentiating what MIGS is, developing patient indications, and t he synergy of MIGS with cataract surgery will be discussed," he said. This will be followed by a sum- mary of how "the expanding basic and clinical research in this area will substantiate that this is an idea whose time has come," he said. An important aspect to remem- ber when discussing this new technology is, as Dr. Binkhorst encountered in his quest to receive acceptance for the IOLs, that there will be natural skepticism around the idea of changing treatment para- digms, Dr. Ahmed said. Additional research and continued longer-term results will be key in the future in this topic, he said, which he will touch on in his talk. "The challenge is to continue to build on the early results in MIGS, keeping an open-minded and pro- gressive approach, knowing that t here is still much more work needed to improve on what we have accomplished thus far," he said. He said he will address how MIGS have been developed by the work of countless people across different settings in his Binkhorst Lecture. "It has been intense collabora- t ion with scientists, engineers, industry, entrepreneurs, surgeons, and patients that has led to many healthcare discoveries. MIGS is no exception, and this close working relationship has enabled us to bring this technology to our patients," he said. "It has also taught us about the importance of the science and ethics of innovation, which I will share during my talk," Dr. Ahmed said. EW Editors' note: Dr. Ahmed has financial interests with AqueSys (Aliso Viejo, Calif.), Glaukos (Laguna Hills, Calif.), Ivantis (Irvine, Calif.), and Transcend Medical (Menlo Park, Calif.). Contact information Ahmed: ike.ahmed@utoronto.ca by Erin L. Boyle EyeWorld Senior Staff Writer Binkhorst Lecture to focus on glaucoma innovations Iqbal "Ike" K. Ahmed, MD Boston Fun Fact The USS Constitution, or "Old Ironsides," is the U.S. Navy's oldest commissioned warship and is berthed in the Charlestown Navy Yard. Source: www.house.gov/capuano/about/didyouknow.shtml 48-63 Boston Preview_EW March 2014-DL_Layout 1 3/6/14 7:27 PM Page 49

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