EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
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E W MEETING REPORTER 164 March 2014 72nd AIOC inauguration honors leading Indian ophthalmologists T he 72nd annual All India Ophthalmological Confer- ence—the "MUST attend global meeting in ophthal- mology" and "a grand feast of knowledge," said H.P. Singh, MD, New Delhi, in his welcome address— opened with a conference inaugura- tion in which members of the Society were recognized with various awards. This year, G. Mukherjee, MD, New Delhi, received the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) Lifetime Achievement Award as "an expression of admiration of the ceaseless endeavors that [he has] contributed to the advancement of the science of ophthalmology." Dr. Mukherjee is a renowned cornea and anterior segment specialist who is widely published in journals and reference books. He has conducted many post-doctoral workshops, instruction courses, and skills transfer programs. He is "one of the most respected members of the Delhi Ophthalmo- logical Society," serving numerous important roles with the Society including president from 1998 to 1999. He has been active with the AIOS since 1976 and among other roles with the Society, he is now co-chairman of the AIOS Head Quarter Construction Committee. Currently, Dr. Mukherjee is president of the Indian Society of Cornea and Kerato-Refractive Sur- geons (ISCKRS) and vice-president of the Ocular Trauma Society of India. He is a fellow and life member of many professional academic institu- tions and societies. The AIOS Lifetime Achievement Award is the Society's most presti- gious award. Other award winners at this year's conference included a who's who of expert Indian ophthalmolo- gists in their fields. The meeting had 6,000 atten- dees in Agra this year. During the program, outgoing president Anita Panda, MD, New Delhi, presented incoming president Quresh B. Maskati, MD, Mumbai, to the Society's members, calling him their "dynamic incoming president." Dr. Maskati began his Presidential Address by saluting all past presidents with roses, and called for unity and active participa- tion among the Society's members, saying they should demand the best Reporting live from AIOC 2014, Agra, India Reporting live from the All India Ophthalmological Conference (AIOC) Entertainers perform at the Gala Dinner event at the 72nd All India Ophthalmological Conference in Agra, India. 164-169 MR AIOC_EW March 2014-DL2_Layout 1 3/6/14 4:29 PM Page 164