EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/115557
6PDUW(ƯFLHQW (DVLO\,QWHJUDWHG All of Ophthalmology from the cloud down to \RXUƬQJHUWLSV Imagine an Electronic Medical Assistant™ developed by ophthalmologists for ophthalmologists. An assistant that learns and adapts to your preferences from day to day. An assistant so intuitive that it anticipates your every move. Imagine how much time it would save. Now, you have no need to imagine because EMA Ophthalmology is the smartest, most HƯFLHQWDQGƮH[LEOH(05VROXWLRQIRU\RXU practice. 9LVLWXVDW ASCRS/ASOA Annual Meeting DQG ASCRS Glaucoma Day Booth - TT30 )LQGRXWZK\RYHUVSHFLDOW\VSHFLILFSURYLGHUV KDYHFKRVHQ(0$DVWKHLU(056FKHGXOH\RXURQOLQH GHPRDWwww.modmed.com/ophthEMR ZZZPRGPHGFRP,