
JAN 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/104833

Contents of this Issue


Page 7 of 70

6PDUW(ƯFLHQW Easily Integrated. EMA Ophthalmology – Designed to Save You Time. Imagine an Electronic Medical Assistant™ developed by ophthalmologists for RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV$QDVVLVWDQWWKDWOHDUQV and adapts to your preferences from day to GD\$QDVVLVWDQWVRLQWXLWLYHWKDWLWVHHPV WRUHDG\RXUPLQG,PDJLQHKRZPXFKWLPH LWZRXOGVDYH Now, you have no need to imagine because EMA Ophthalmology is the smartest, most HƯFLHQWDQGƮH[LEOH(05VROXWLRQIRU\RXU SUDFWLFH Visit us at 2013 ASCRS-ASOA Winter Update Scan this code to schedule a personal demonstration, or visit our website to learn more about how EMA Ophthalmology™ FDQLQWHJUDWHLQWR\RXUZRUNƮRZDQGKHOSVDYH\RXWLPH modmed.com.

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