
OCT 2012

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 109 of 168

October 2012 EW MEETING REPORTER 107 risk of graft rejection," Prof. Muraine said. There also is the possibility of less risk of late recurrent kerato- conus, he surmised. Ocular surface reconstruction and keratoprosthesis During a Cornea Society sponsored session titled "Ocular surface recon- struction and keratoprosthesis," W. Barry Lee, M.D., Atlanta, discussed medical procedures and minor sur- gery for ocular surface disease, in- cluding topical and oral medications, punctal plugs, and "bi- ological Band Aids" such as amniotic membrane grafts. Tarsorrhaphy, he said, "is the most underutilized procedure, at least in the states." Previously, during the opening day of EUCornea on Thursday, in- coming president José L. Güell, M.D., said that visco-bubble dissec- tion during deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALKP) is less aggres- sive and offers a slower and more controlled dissection and better vi- sualization. Still, "it needs to be demon- strated with properly designed stud- ies," Dr. Güell said. Another area being studied is femtosecond-assisted anterior lamel- lar keratoplasty, which offers an al- ternative to other anterior lamellar techniques and promises to be more repeatable, predictable, and simple, as well as "less dependent from sur- gical skill and suitable to become a 'standard.'" Before symbolically handing Mats Lundstrom, M.D., Sweden, is presented with the Ridley Medal by ESCRS President Peter Barry, F.R.C.S., Ireland Source: EyeWorld over the "chains of office" to Prof. Guell, Harminder S. Dua, M.D., Nottingham, U.K., current president of EUCornea, gave the EUCornea Medal Lecture titled, "Redefining the surgical anatomy of the cornea." Prof. Tan, current president of the Cornea Society and the Asia Cornea Society, spoke about contin- ued cooperation between all of the societies as the third EUCornea com- menced. The XXX ESCRS Congress opens Saturday and continues until Wednesday. Editors' note: Dr. Tan has financial in- terests with Network Medical Products. None of the other speakers have finan- cial interests related to their talks. EUCornea closed Saturday with a joint symposium with the Euro- pean Society of Cataract and Re- fractive Surgeons focusing on corneal neovascularization. Like- wise, ESCRS paired up with EU- Retina in a symposium to discuss cataract surgery and macular dis- ease. continued on page 108

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