EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/82503
September 2012 A call continued from page 30 Many of your readers may not Ep ithelia l removal in Corneal Epithelial Xlinking, PRK Xlinkin g , PRK & Advanced Ad anced Surf ce Ab ation. ve the SurfaceAbllation. Remoov Epithe iu in 5 to 7 seconds. Promotes Consistent Results! ntt Consiste n Results! + Minimize total procedure tim + Essential in re-treatments + Unifo orm epithelium removal + No need for subsequent scraping e time Epitheliuml m seconds know that I am an Asian born immigrant whose family came here to find and live the "American dream." It is a breathtaking moment to walk into the bright white mar- bled halls of Congress and actually have high-ranking members of government shake my hand and listen to my concerns. This is unimaginable in other countries where the government dictates where you will live, what you wear, and how many children you can have. Democracy is a prize bought for us by the blood of many. Democracy means government must listen, but it also means we must speak. It is not just our privilege to speak out, it is our duty. This country does not belong to the President or to Congress; this country belongs to us. Join us in taking back what is ours. EW Contact information Yeh: syeh2020@aol.com Superior Results Su periorResult s T. 800.461.1200 61.1200 | wwww.inno vativexcimer .com