
DEC 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/227001

Contents of this Issue


Page 4 of 74

Y Trusted Associ 8 Your 8 1 2 7 3 6 5 4 Sa s Shouldn't Shouldn what's being placed within the pupil mar be gentle... maybe even kind? ybe e margin e distr sw As we all know, when we distribute force across mor points of contact, each point puts less pr pressure on what t, oss more fo ing o. clear it's in apposition to For our purposes,, clearly we are talking about fragile iris tissue. All 8 points of Malyugin Ring contact are smooth. (200x) in o Malyugin Ring® has four Interestingly, many people that we talk to think that the M t, t points points of contact with iris, when, in fact, it has 8 points, each taking up 1/8th the ir ing is our or outward pressure to ensure your patients have less risk of iris damage than ordinary et ha devices. 8 points of smooth & gentle ir contact. iris Only fr from MST. osurgical.com 1.888.279.3323 -or- 425.861.4002 info@microsur fo Patent no. 8,323,296. More pending. ®

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