
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233

Contents of this Issue


Page 4 of 122

Wavefront Optimized RefraXion Refining the Art of Refraction + OPD-Scan III TRS-5100 The XFRACTION process platform uses the multifunctional OPD-Scan III aberrometer/corneal analyzer and the TRS5100 digital refractor. Save time, while receiving more information about each patient's total visual system for superior diagnostics and surgical results. "All the time-efficiencies of the XFRACTION process enable me to see about 10 more patients a day. And patients aren't waiting as long." "It separates corneal from lenticular astigmatism and gives you the quantitative value of the spherical aberration to determine the type of lens needed. It can also mark patients preoperatively as an aid to toric IOL placement. And postoperatively, it has a retro-illumination feature so on day one [postoperatively] you can see the placement of the toric IOL without having to dilate the patient." cuts, but buying a second station is one thing I'm willing to spend more money on, as it will allow us to see more patients in a single day...while optimizing my surgical outcomes." Mitch Jackson, MD Watch the video: http://www.ophthalmologyweb.com/Videos/133341-Dr-Mitchell-Jackson-Discusses-the-Benefits-of-the-OPD-Scan-III/ XFRACTION : WAVEFRONT OPTIMIZED REFRAXION WAV FRONT OPTIMIZED REFRA VE A SM AAO • 2846 2846 800.874.5274 www.marco.com *Data based on national averages.

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