
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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TM www.OphthalmologyBusiness.org ATTRACT & RETAIN TOP TALENT P. 12 CONFRONT PROBLEM EMPLOYEES P. 14 Vol. 4, No. 4 ANNUAL ASC CHECK-UP P. 17 TM December 2013 December 2013 www.OphthalmologyBusiness.org An ASCRS Publication Personal health records give patients a close-up view of medical history P. 6 Donald R. Long Publisher don@eyeworld.org Julio Guerrero Graphic Design julio@eyeworld.org Stacy Majewicz Editor stacy@eyeworld.org Jena Passut jena@eyeworld.org Daniela Galeano Production Assistant daniela@eyeworld.org Jeff Brownstein Sales jeff@eyeworld.org From the publisher A s 2013 comes to an end, it's an ideal time to identify areas in need of improvement in both your practice and your personal life. This issue of Ophthalmology Business addresses some of those areas and provides solutions so that you can start 2014 off on the right foot. Speaking to an employee about unacceptable behavior is never easy, but it must be done so that the problem doesn't get worse. "Confronting problem employees" (p. 14) presents a stepwise approach to dealing with this behavior when you notice the first signs of trouble. Or perhaps the issue is between yourself and one specific employee. "Healing a broken relationship at work" (p. 25) offers six tips on mending connections. If you determine that an area in need of improvement in your practice is dealing with unhappy patients, you will want to read "Communication key with unhappy patients" (p. 23). This article describes how body language, tone of voice, vocal speed, and posture can help maintain good communication with patients. Perhaps you are hoping to bring some new employees into your practice in 2014. "Attracting, qualifying, hiring, training, and keeping top talent is one of the most challenging endeavors an ophthalmologist takes on, and, quite often, it is sorely overlooked and mismanaged," says Mitch Levin, MD, CWPP, CAPP. He presents some key principles in "How to attract and retain top talent" (p. 12). Finally, if you fear physician burnout, read "The perils of perfection" (p. 20) to learn about the factors that affect it and 10 steps you can take to prevent it. We hope you find these articles useful. Thank you for reading! Paul Zelin Sales paul@eyeworld.org ASCRS Publisher: OPHTHALMOLOGY BUSINESS is published quarterly by ASCRS Ophthalmic Services Corp., 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4055; telephone 703-5912220; fax 703-273-2963. Printed in the U.S. Editorial Offices: OPHTHALMOLOGY BUSINESS, 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4055; 703-591-2220; fax 703-273-2963; email: stacy@eyeworld.org. Don Long Publisher, Ophthalmology Business Advertising Offices: ASCRSMedia, 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4055; toll-free 800-451-1339, 703-591-2220; fax 703-273-2963; email: cathy@eyeworld.org Copyright 2013, ASCRS Ophthalmic Services Corp., 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4055. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Letters to the editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editorial review and acceptance. December 2013 • Ophthalmology Business 3

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