
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233

Contents of this Issue


Page 85 of 122

Ocular surface/Cornea On average, respondents saw 47 patients per month who have dry eye beyond just a need for artificial tears. International respondents have slightly higher volumes of these patients. About 40% of respondents are using the DEWS guidelines in some fashion to drive their dry eye practices, however 34% are not even aware of the guidelines. Interestingly, almost a quarter of all cataract and LVC patients presenting for surgery are requiring some dry eye treatment preoperatively beyond artificial tears. Compliance with dry eye therapies continues to be an issue as 68% think their patients are taking them on an as needed basis, instead of when prescribed. Also, new generations of tear film diagnostics are currently being incorporated into the point of care in 18% of practices. One-third of respondents are performing some type of keratoplasty procedures in their practices, and the average graft rejection rate is about 5% currently. 7

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