
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233

Contents of this Issue


Page 81 of 122

Toric IOLs Conversion to toric IOLs was higher with international surgeons versus U.S. surgeons, and more than twice the conversion rates for presbyopia-correcting IOLs. When asked what amount of rotational error from the intended axis was acceptable before it affected visual quality and acuity, the average was 7.2 degrees, and one-third of respondents set this threshold at 10 degrees or higher. When targeting toric IOL calculations, about half of respondents target the lowest level of error regardless of axis, while the other half choose the lowest error but keep the same preoperative axis, never wanting to flip the axis on these patients. When calculating the power of toric IOLs, respondents use the IOLMaster the majority of the time with topography as the second most common option. Manual Ks were an interesting third choice. When deciding on the axis of toric IOLs, topography becomes the primary diagnostic measure, with IOLMaster as a second option, and manual Ks continue to be a third option. 3

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