EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233
Presbyopia-correcting IOLs Average annual procedure volumes show that ASCRS members are performing almost three-quarters of the cataract surgery performed each year in the U.S. Nearly 25% of respondents performed more than 600 procedures annually. While the average incision size was 2.5 mm, 31% use an incision of 2.2 mm or smaller. While the average number of vitrectomies following cataract surgery was 6.5, 52% of respondents had two or less a year. More than 50% of surgeons are implanting 5% or less of their cataract patients with a presbyopia-correcting IOL. International surgeons had a slightly higher average percentage of conversion to these lenses. Interestingly, the percentage of cataract patients getting a monovision procedure is almost twice that of those getting a presbyopia-correcting IOL. While most doctors believe that vision at all distances is equally important to patient satisfaction with presbyopiacorrecting IOLs, almost one-quarter thought that either distance vision or near vision was the predominant driving factor. When asked how much residual sphere and cylinder was considered acceptable before it started to affect visual quality, respondents answered 0.61 D of sphere and 0.71 D of cylinder on average. 18% believe that cylinder levels OVER 0.75 D still did not have a significant impact, while 13% believe the same for sphere. When asked how they resolve this residual error, 39% do something other than laser vision correction. 2