EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233
6 EW NEWS & OPINION Pioneering a way to better manage dense cataracts 34 Father/son surgical team share their approach by Vanessa Caceres November 2013 CORNE A RE S ID E NT S M EE T IN G RE P O RT ER Cornea editor's corner of the world EyeWorld journal club Reporting live from the 2013 ESCRS Congress in Amsterdam 60 Anti-VEGFs for corneal neovascularization 52 UCLA residents review "Surgical outcomes after application of a liquid adhesive ocular bandage to clear corneal incisions during cataract surgery" 56 Ophthalmologists discuss their experience with using anti-VEGF agents for corneal neovascularization by Ellen Stodola by Tina Ku, MD, Christine Lin, MD, and Nathaniel Roybal, MD, PhD I N O TH ER N EW S Pharmaceutical corner There's no fun in fungal keratitis 53 Retina specialist makes second career in photography 73 Diagnostic and treatment strategies for corneal fungal infections by Maxine Lipner Howard Schatz, MD, was a practicing ophthalmologist when he gradually transitioned to a career in photography 18 years ago 58 35 O PH TH ALM O LO G Y B US IN E SS The art of advanced technology IOLs Should have, would have, could have: Understanding post-purchase dissonance 35 Pay attention. It pays. 58 How much you pay attention to the lessons will expand the number of the successes that you enjoy by John B. Pinto It's important to understand post-purchase dissonance because this alone can lead to patient dissatisfaction, even when technically and surgically the patient has a good result by Richard Tipperman, MD 53 G L AU CO M A Are disc photos still useful in glaucoma? 36 Tony Realini, MD 73 INTERNATI ON AL Marketing to Millennials 59 International outlook Emulsify that … IOL? 55 One surgeon takes phaco to a new level for IOL explantation by Matt Young How to reach the upcoming generation of potential LASIK patients by Ophthalmology Business Staff Writer D E PA RT M EN T S Classifieds 71 Calendar 72 Index to advertisers 73 S P EC I A L F E AT U R E S JCRS update 11 ASCRS update 11 Monthly Pulse Survey 50 EYEWORLD EDITORS Chief medical editor: David F. Chang, MD Cataract editor: Bonnie An Henderson, MD Cornea editor: Clara C. Chan, MD Refractive editor: Kerry D. Solomon, MD Glaucoma editor: Reay H. Brown, MD EYEWORLD EDITORIAL BOARD CATARACT Lisa B. Arbisser, MD Preston H. Blomquist, MD Susan MacDonald, MD Saras Ramanathan, MD Steve G. Safran, MD Richard Tipperman, MD Mitchell P. Weikert, MD REFRACTIVE GLAUCOMA John P. Berdahl, MD Kraig S. Bower, MD Y. Ralph Chu, MD Neel Desai, MD Elizabeth M. Hofmeister, MD Louis E. Probst, MD Garry P. Condon, MD Steven J. Gedde, MD Jeffery A. Kammer, MD Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD Carla J. Siegfried, MD CORNEA Bennie Jeng, MD Barry Lee, MD Vincent P. de Luise, MD John A. Hovanesian, MD International editor: John A. Vukich, MD ASCRS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Brock K. Bakewell, MD Chair, Government Relations Committee Amar Agarwal, FRCS Renato Ambrósio, MD Graham D. Barrett, FRACO Ashley Behrens, MD William De La Pena, MD Bruno M. Fontes, MD Nada S. Jabbur, MD Shigeru Kinoshita, MD Boris E. Malyugin, MD Dan Z. Reinstein, MD Prin Rojanapongpun, MD Hungwon Tchah, MD Vladimir N. Trubilin, MD Ke Yao, MD Ronald Yeoh, MD ASCRS GOVERNING BOARD Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, President INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP Richard A. Lewis, MD, Vice President/President Elect David F. Chang, MD, Immediate Past President Edward J. Holland, MD, Past President Robert J. Cionni, MD, Treasurer Kerry D. Solomon, MD, Secretary John D. Banja, PhD ASCRS Public Trustee Rosa M. Braga-Mele, MD Chair, Cataract Clinical Committee David F. Chang, MD Medical Editor, EyeWorld Stephen S. Lane, MD Chair, Optometric Task Force Warren E. Hill, MD Member at Large Richard L. Lindstrom, MD Chair, ASCRS Foundation Edward J. Holland, MD Chair, Program Committee Nick Mamalis, MD Editor, JCRS Terry Kim, MD Chair, Cornea Clinical Committee Thomas W. Samuelson, MD Chair, Glaucoma Clinical Committee Roger F. Steinert, MD Chair, CME Industry Liaison Committee Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD Stephen A. Obstbaum, MD Chair, Refractive Surgery Chair, ASCRS Past Presidents Clinical Committee Committee Elizabeth Yeu, MD Chair, Young Physicians and Residents Clinical Committee