
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233

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November 2013 EW CLASSIFIEDS 71 Marketplace and Classifieds 1HZ$XURVOLQJ )RUWKH&RUUHFWLRQRI3WRVLV Seattle, WA 08/19/2013 Exceptional opportunity for fellowship trained glaucoma specialist (s) with outstanding surgical and interpersonal skills to assume the practice of a retiring glaucoma surgeon. Our multi-specialty practice was established in 1986. Current openings are for our Seattle office and Sequim location. We are a medical/surgical referral practice with 3 busy glaucoma specialists. 7KHIURQWDOLVVXVSHQVLRQVOLQJXVHGLQWKHVXUJLFDOSURFHGXUHIRUWKH FRUUHFWLRQRISWRVLV$GYDQWDJHVRI$XURVOLQJLQFOXGHLWVH[FHOOHQW ELRFRPSDWLELOLW\JRRGH\HOLGFORVXUHDQGHDVHRIDGMXVWPHQW SRVWVXUJHU\IRUDQ\QHFHVVDU\FRUUHFWLRQV$XURVOLQJLVDVWHULOH LPSODQWDEOHÁH[LEOHVLOLFRQHURGZLWKDVLOLFRQHVOHHYHDWWDFKHGWRWZR PDOOHDEOHVKDUSVWUDLJKWQHHGOHV,QPRVWFDVHVWKHPDWHULDOLVHODVWLF DQGFDQEHDGMXVWHGERWKLQWUDRSHUDWLYHO\DQGSRVWRSHUDWLYHO\LIWKH H\HOLGKHLJKWQHHGVWREHDOWHUHGRYHUWLPH Very competitive salary plus bonus, and excellent benefits. Please e-mail your CV and cover letter outlining your interest in our practice to: Jo Ann Chase at HR@nweyes.com. Phone – 206-694-3824 We will be actively interviewing interested candidates at the 2013 AAO annual meeting in November. Please visit our website for additional information regarding our practice and locations. www.nweyes.com :HEVHDUFK$$2%227+ Find us on social media Are you a fan of EyeWorld? Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/EyeWorldMagazine EyeWorld magazine is now online. Read it, Watch it, Share it The online version has videos, can be dowloaded to your mobile device, and you can email articles or the entire issue to a friend. Take advantage of reduced advertising rates now. Buy 1 month, get 2 months free. Ophthalmology Position Desired Wanted: Ophthalmology Practice Ophthalmology Senior Resident, graduating 6-30-2014 from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA is planning to relocate to the Chicago-land area and is looking for a position in the Chicago-land area starting July 2014 or August 2014. Please reply to Sheilagoyal@gmail.com Looking to buy an Ophthalmology practice in Chicago, Northwest suburban Chicago or Suburban Chicago, IL. Please reply to vg1028@aol.com or fax to 847-398-4585 and 847-605-0566.   EyeWorld Marketplace Advertising Single unit: 4.75" x 2.5" Double Unit Vertical: 9.25" x 2.5" Double Unit Horizontal: 4.75" x 5" Second color, red, blue, green, is free. Cost: Single: $400.00 Double: $800.00 EyeWorld Classified Advertising • Sale of Equipment Career Opportunities • Recruitment Advertising 2.15" x 1" = $70.00 2.15" x 2" = $140.00 2.15" x 3" = $210.00 2.15" x 4"= $280.00 2.15" x 5"= $350.00 2.15" x 6"= $420.00 2.15" x 7"= $490.00 2.15" x 8"= $560.00 2.15" x 9"= $630.00 2.25" x 10"= $700.00 EyeWorld reaches more than 24,000 ophthalmologists monthly. Your ad will appear in the online version of EyeWorld as an added benefit.

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