
NOV 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/220233

Contents of this Issue


Page 6 of 122

4 November 2013 EW Table of Contents Keratoconus patient selection for crosslinking 38 WORLD VIEW 10 Keratoconus patients who are candidates for crosslinking treatment range in age and progression, experts say by Erin L. Boyle Exploring corneal crosslinking Crosslinking for other conditions 40 by Clara Chan, MD Possibilities for crosslinking are expanding, and it could be used to treat other conditions besides keratoconus by Ellen Stodola Peak efforts in keratoconus 43 Using crosslinking with adjunctive treatments by Maxine Lipner Crosslinking shows promise 46 Cover photo: Karl Brasse, MD, Eyeland-Design, Germany Feature November 2013 CXL is relatively easy to set up and implement, study investigators say by Michelle Dalton Corneal crosslinking 38–51 Easing patients' concerns about CXL 50 N E WS & OP IN IO N Ethical dimensions of co-management 22 FAQs your patients may have by Vanessa Caceres JCRS launches online case reports 3 John Banja, PhD, interviews Bridget Sundell, MD, and Richard Lindstrom, MD The journal is making a larger number of reports available in an online format by Ellen Stodola R EF RA C T IV E Refractive editor's corner of the world Focusing on LASIK femtosecond side cuts 27 Studying implications for epithelial ingrowth by Maxine Lipner 13 Lights, camera, action 3 EyeWorld launches new Video Reporter website at ESCRS 2013 in Amsterdam by Jena Passut Anterior segment grand rounds Shpilkes in the sulcus 13 Dr. Safran consults with experts about a patient with poor dilation, possible weak zonules, high myopia, a dislocated lens in the sulcus with a collapsed and fibrosed capsular bag behind it by Steven G. Safran, MD Device focus Spectral-domain OCT offers unprecedented views 25 Enhanced capabilities and quick acquisition time are cited as two major advantages by Michelle Dalton 28 Tools & techniques The tri-soft shell technique 16 Dr. Arshinoff and Mr. Norman present a review of their latest iteration of the soft shell approach to modern phacoemulsification by Steve Arshinoff, MD, and Richard Norman, BSc, MASc Insights Michael Porter and the plight of ophthalmology 26 Dr. Noreika describes Porter's thesis that five competitive forces define an industry's structure and how this relates to ophthalmology J.C. Noreika, MD, MBA Advances in nomogram and surgical technique for the Ferrara Ring 28 The main contributing factors to the improved efficacy and safety of Ferrara Ring implantation are the new nomograms and the laser-assisted surgical technique by Leonardo Torquetti, MD, PhD 3 2013 ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress Best Papers of Session 8 C ATA RA C T Chief medical editor's corner of the world Cataract removal on the laser's edge 32 A Guinness World Record? 18 Dr. Chang interviews living ophthalmology legend Norman S. Jaffe, MD by David F. Chang, MD Targeting zero effective phacoemulsification time by Maxine Lipner 26

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