EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/78710
May 2012 Marketplace and Classifieds 1(: /DVHU 6KLHOGV EW CLASSIFIEDS 63 Wanted Donation of ophthalmic and optical equipment To: Renovar (a non-profit 5001(C)(3) corporation) To be used in Mexico. Especially needed: Retinomax auto-refractor 3URWHFWLRQ IRU WKH SDWLHQW IURP DOO ZDYHOHQJWKV 1RQ UHÁHFWLYH VXUIDFHV GLVSHUVH ODVHU RU ,3/ OLJKW IRU WKH SURWHFWLRQ RI SHUVRQQHO 8VHIXO IRU VNLQ UHVXUIDFLQJ RU LQFLVLRQ SURFHGXUHV &RPSOHWH H[SRVXUH RI WKH JODEHOOD QRVH DQG FURZ V IHHW ([WUHPHO\ ÁH[LEOH VZLYHOV DQG HODVWLF IRU SODFHPHQW RYHU RQH RU ERWK H\HV RU SRUWLRQV 'XUDEOH ORZ PDLQWHQDQFH time saving tools 800-659-2250 www.guldenophthalmics.com 6LWH VHDUFK 9LVLW 2XH 1HZ :HEVLWH Contact: Renovar Corporation 136 Franklin Road Birmingham AL 35217 (205)841-2208 raymond.shackleford @gmail.com Cataract and Refractive Surgeon Opportunity Southwest Eye Institute is currently looking for a full time cataract and refractive surgeon. Our practice has been serving the Las Vegas community for over 20 years which will give candidates a tremendous opportunity to develop and grow a patient base quickly. Compensation packages include bonus and partnership opportunities as well as health benefits. Interested candidates please email jamesh@sweyeinsti- tute.com or call 702-483-1657. • • • Low Price Great Prod Ex ces es oduct Selection Excellent Customer Service IMPROVE YOUR SURGI CAL • • Mod Anat CAL PRACTICE EYE Moodeled after the human eye natomically correct • • • • Pharmaceuticals, Exam Room Su upplies, Vision Testing, Optical T Te esting, Optical Tools & Suppli es, Medical & Surgical Supplies, Surgical Inst struments. We are also your one stop shop for oom Sup e s s. No biohazard Non-toxic Fully Recyclable Made in USA clable SURGICAL SKILLS! Suturing • Incisions Phaco • Scleral Flap and more S S Capsulotomy PKP • LRI Eye Eye Care and Cure 4646 South Overland Drive, Tucson, AZ 85714 Tel: 1-800-486-6169; Fax: 1-877-321-1267 wwwwww.eyyecareandcure.com 4646 South O erl nd Driv ucson, AZ 1267 Classified advertising Sale of equipment Career opportunities Recruitment advertising Wanted We purchase used VISX, Ziemer and Intralase systems Microkeratomes, and many other ophthalmic devices. tc-tech@embarqmail.com 1-321-948-4722 2.15" x 1" = $80.00 2.15" x 2" = $160.00 2.15" x 3" = $240.00 2.15" x 4"= $320.00 2.15" x 5"= $400.00 2.15" x 6"= $480.00 2.15" x 7"= $560.00 2.15" x 8"= $640.00 2.15" x 9"= $720.00 2.15" x 10"= $800.00 EyeWorld reaches over 24,000 ophthalmologists monthly. Your ad will appear in the online version of EyeWorld as an added benefit. Reduced rates for ASCRS members. Take advantage of reduced advertising rates now. Buy 1 month, get 2 months free.