EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/78710
14 EW NEWS & OPINION Incoming continued from page 13 educate and engage you as a volun- teer or a donor. The final core value that I want David F. Chang, M.D., addresses Annual Meeting attendees at this year's Opening General Session Source: ASCRS/EyeWorld amazing work, but few cataract sur- geons in North America are aware of them. Our tagline is "Uniting Efforts to Overcome Cataract Blindness," and Geoff Tabin [M.D.] and I have joined Stan in assembling an inter- national advisory board to guide the direction of this project. I hope that you will bookmark the site www.globalsight.org and allow it to to highlight is professional ethics. It is because of a long established trust in physicians' integrity that patients seek and heed our advice and en- trust their most precious of senses to our surgical hands. Our patients and we are blessed with access to so many new and innovative medical technologies. However, potential ethical issues arise when these are not covered by insurance. I believe that we do an ethical job in counsel- ing patients about premium refrac- tive IOLs and differentiating refractive from medical benefits. Femtosecond laser cataract surgery will be our next challenge. Patients need our unbiased advice, and yet we still have so much to learn about this new technology. In the mean- time, I hope that we keep our pri- mary focus on clinical outcomes instead of on financial or competi- tive pressures. And I hope that media coverage will not diminish the success of traditional phaco to the confusion or disappointment of non-laser cataract patients. In contrast to the introduction of phaco or IOLs in the past, let's not allow a controversial new tech- nology to divide us. Meetings such as this are essential open forums to learn about and debate the scientific merits of new technologies. While we pioneer, evaluate, debate, and deploy femtosecond laser technol- ogy, it is essential that we maintain the highest integrity and respect for both our patients and for our col- leagues with differing practices or viewpoints. I am confident that we are up to this challenge. In conclusion, I am grateful for these three values and traditions that characterize our profession and are the legacy of our mentors. I hope that future generations of ophthal- mologists will similarly look back upon us with respect and apprecia- tion for our integrity, our charity, and our willingness to help each other professionally. I thank you again for the privilege of serving as your 2012 president. EW May 2012 The VISUAL Clinical Trials for Uveitis Clinical Trial Recruitment for Patients Diagnosed with Non-Infectious Intermediate, Posterior, or Pan-Uveitis Seeking Adult Patients for Clinical Trial Enrollment Right now, our US invesstigators are seeking patient referrals. Your patients may qualify if they: s!REATLEAST s!RE AT LEAS T YEARSOLDYEARSOLD s(AVEBEENDIAGNOSED OR PA N UVEITIS 4WO0HASE)))DOUBLE MASKED PLACEBO CONTROLLEDCLINICALTRIALSEVALU ATINGTHESAFETYANDEFlCACYOFTHEINVESTIGATIONALUSEOFABIOLOGIC COMPOUNDINPATIENTSWITHNON INFECTIOUSINTERMEDIATE POSTERIOR OR PAN UVEITIS 4HESTUDYDRUGISCURRENTLY&$!APPROVEDINTHE53FOR TREATINGOTHERIMMUNE MEDIATEDDISEASES P TREATING G PP OTHER IMMUN E MEDIATEDDISEASE S BOTH EYES s(AVEBEENDIAGNOSEDWITHNON INFECTIOUSINTERMEDIAT E POSTERIO ORPAN UVEITIS s!RETAKINGPREDNISONE OREQUIVALENTCORTICOSTEROID s(AVE"EST#ORRECTED6ISUAL!CUITY "#6! OFAMINIMUMOF LETTERS INBOTHEYES s!RETAKINGPREDNISON E OREQUIVALENTCORTICOSTEROI s(AVE"EST#ORRECTED6ISUAL!CUIT Y "# IN s -EET OTHERINCLUSION #66 ! OF A MI s-EETOTHERINCLUSIONANDEXCLUSIONCRITERIAAND EXCLUSIONCRITERIA Seeking New Investigators 7E EARELOOKINGFOR53OPHTHALMOLOGISTSTOBECOMEINVESTIGATORSFORTHE 6)35!, #LINICAL 4RIALS ARE LOOKINGFOR 6)35!,#LINICAL4RIALS For more information on referring a patient or becoming an investigator, visit www.visualclinicaltrials.com or call 1-800-931-6190. 53 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS TO BECOMEINVESTIGATORSFOR THE N D IMUM O F WITH NO N INFECTIOUSINTERMEDIATE POSTERIOR R LETTERS , our US investigators are seeking patient referrals.eferrals. ify if they: Scan the code for more information © 2012 Clinical Trial Marketing Communications