
DEC 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/422211

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Page 21 of 90

EW CATARACT 19 December 2014 "Originally performed in Asia, this technique has the benefit of being effective for all skin types and is easy to master." Platelet rich plasma injections are also effective at stimulating collagen to enhance facial tone and texture. It can be injected or used topically after microneedling, Dr. Cockerham said. These are unfortunately nicknamed vampire facelift and vampire facial, respectively, undermining the science and efficacy to some patients and physicians. Despite the wonders that cos- metic options can do for a patient's appearance or self-esteem, surgeons need to always caution patients about the risks. For example, cosmetic contact lenses may create corneal ulcers and other complications, Dr. Cockerham said. Ophthalmologists may see patients who have participated in parties where neurotoxins and fillers have been administered in someone's home, Dr. Kherani said. She recently treated a patient who presented with bilateral lower eyelid inflammation following a home par- ty injection. It is always best to have these types of injections performed in a medical setting with the injec- tion product obtained from a reputa- ble medical source, she advised. Cataract surgery and eyelid ptosis Another area related to cosmetic procedures is the need for cataract surgery when a patient has dermatochalasis. If a patient has dermatochala- sis and also needs cataract surgery, oculoplastics specialists generally recommend doing the cataract surgery first. "I find patients more commonly come to me after cataract surgery because they can see the aging of their eyelids and face," Dr. Cockerham said. Another reason to wait is because ptosis can develop after cat- aract surgery, said Dr. Shriver, who will usually wait 3 months between the procedures or up to 6 months if ptosis develops after cataract surgery to ensure that the lid position will not recover. "It depends on which both- ers the patient the most," Dr. Lee said. "Either way, it's best to leave 6 months in between." EW Editors' note: The physicians have no financial interests related to their comments. Contact information Cockerham: cockerhammd@gmail.com Kherani: eyesurgeon@shaw.ca Lee: wlee@med.miami.edu Shriver: erin-shriver@uiowa.edu

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