EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/274531
E W NEWS & OPINION 8 February 2014 CATARACT Lisa B. Arbisser, MD Preston H. Blomquist, MD Susan MacDonald, MD Saras Ramanathan, MD Steve G. Safran, MD Richard Tipperman, MD Mitchell P. Weikert, MD REFRACTIVE John P. Berdahl, MD Kraig S. Bower, MD Y. Ralph Chu, MD Neel Desai, MD Elizabeth M. Hofmeister, MD Louis E. Probst, MD GLAUCOMA Garry P. Condon, MD Steven J. Gedde, MD Jeffery A. Kammer, MD Parag Parekh, MD Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD CORNEA Bennie Jeng, MD Barry Lee, MD Vincent P. de Luise, MD John A. Hovanesian, MD INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP Amar Agarwal, FRCS Renato Ambrósio, MD Graham D. Barrett, FRACO Ashley Behrens, MD William De La Pena, MD Bruno M. Fontes, MD Nada S. Jabbur, MD Shigeru Kinoshita, MD Boris E. Malyugin, MD Dan Z. Reinstein, MD Prin Rojanapongpun, MD E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R I A L B O A R D E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R S Chief medical editor: David F. Chang, MD Cataract editor: Bonnie An Henderson, MD Cornea editor: Clara C. Chan, MD Refractive editor: Kerry D. Solomon, MD Glaucoma editor: Reay H. Brown, MD International editor: John A. Vukich, MD Hungwon Tchah, MD Vladimir N. Trubilin, MD Ke Yao, MD Ronald Yeoh, MD Brock K. Bakewell, MD Chair, Government Relations Committee John D. Banja, PhD ASCRS Public Trustee Rosa M. Braga-Mele, MD Chair, Cataract Clinical Committee David F. Chang, MD Medical Editor, EyeWorld Warren E. Hill, MD Member at Large Edward J. Holland, MD Chair, Program Committee Terry Kim, MD Chair, Cornea Clinical Committee Stephen S. Lane, MD Chair, Optometric Task Force Richard L. Lindstrom, MD Chair, ASCRS Foundation Nick Mamalis, MD Editor, JCRS Stephen A. Obstbaum, MD Chair, ASCRS Past Presidents Committee Thomas W. Samuelson, MD Chair, Glaucoma Clinical Committee Roger F. Steinert, MD Chair, CME Industry Liaison Committee Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD Chair, Refractive Surgery Clinical Committee Elizabeth Yeu, MD Chair, Young Physicians and Residents Clinical Committee A S C R S G O V E R N I N G B O A R D A S C R S E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD, President Richard A. Lewis, MD, Vice President/President Elect David F. Chang, MD, Immediate Past President Edward J. Holland, MD, Past President Robert J. Cionni, MD, Treasurer Kerry D. Solomon, MD, Secretary 8 0 84 95 91 98 110 R E S I D E N T S Cataract M&M rounds Wound too short 8 4 Experts offer advice on a case where the keratome enters too soon and the wound is too short, and the iris prolapses during hydrodissection EyeWorld journal club Review of "Validation of metrics for the detection of subclinical keratoconus in a new patient collective" 88 by Evan Allan, Derek Bitner, Yasser Elshatory, Jim Hoffmann, Blake Isernhagen, Jared Jackson, Jonathan Perkins, Tyler Sorensen, Evan Sussenbach, Jeremy Tan, Jonathan Walgama, Andy Wilson, Alex Cohen, R. Michael Siatkowski O P H T H A L M O L O G Y B U S I N E S S P ride of ownership or wisdom of renting? 91 Considering whether to rent or purchase high tech ophthalmic laser equipment by Rand Larson Social networking in an office practice 93 The importance of teaching staff what could happen from abusing their patient confidentiality or privacy obligations, especially with social networking technologies by John Banja, PhD T he five sequential domains of your goals as an eye surgeon 95 To effectively decide on strategic or tactical goals for your practice, you must first clarify your personal and financial goals by John B. Pinto I N O T H E R N E W S P hysician musician pursues music, medicine 110 Ophthalmologist has met jazz greats through his surgical practice, as well as played saxophone in venues around the world by Erin L. Boyle S P E C I A L F E AT U R E S JCRS update 11 ASCRS update 11 Monthly Pulse survey 66 D E PA RT M E N T S Classifieds 106 Index to advertisers 107 Calendar 108 M E E T I N G R E P O RT E R Reporting live from Hawaiian Eye 2014 98