
MAR 2017

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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UPDATE Sunday The specialized YES education continues on Sunday, May 7, with two labs, both of which have already sold out: • YES LRI Lab. Led by Jonathan B. Rubenstein, MD, participants will practice techniques to control pre- and postoperative astig- matism in the cataract patient through the use of imaging tech- nologies, as well as through the creation of manual and femtosec- ond intralimbal corneal relaxing incisions. • YES Phaco Lab. Led by Dr. Yeu, participants will practice tech- niques for phacoemulsification: microincisional phaco techniques, chopping, flipping, divide and conquer, clear corneal incisions, capsule staining, and machine settings. • In the evening, the YES Clinical Committee and YES Social Media Subcommittee will sponsor a Social Media Course. This hands- on event will feature information on different popular social media platforms and how to use them professionally. Attendees will also receive help on how to set up and use social media. Monday Rounding out the educational- packed weekend is the YES and ASOA Combined Symposium, which is sponsored by the YES Clinical Committee and ASOA. New for 2017, this symposium will focus on important business aspects young eye surgeons should know when entering practice. Panel discussions will focus on the experiences of seasoned physicians and tips and advice from leading practice administrators. Registration for the AS- CRS•ASOA Symposium includes admission to YES programming, and U.S. residents and fellows in ophthalmology receive free ASCRS membership and annual meeting registration. For more information, visit annualmeeting.ascrs.org and select "Young Eye Surgeons (YES)" under the Education tab. EW Contact information Monasterio: dmonasterio@ascrs.org lar Challenging Cases Symposium, sponsored by the YES Clinical Com- mittee. This symposium will feature difficult and challenging surgical video cases pertaining to cataract/ IOL/iris and refractive surgery, to highlight basic concepts and funda- mentals for the beginning surgeon. Members of the YES committee will discuss how they would handle each case, including their personal surgical approach, while providing tips and pearls geared toward young eye surgeons. Immediately following the symposium, attendees can listen to some of their fellow young surgeons during the YES Poster and Paper Presentations Session. The session will highlight the best Residents and Fellows Papers and Posters. The top three of each will present their paper or poster and receive an award. Lastly, ASCRS eyePAC will host a special reception exclusively for ASCRS YES members from 6–7:30 p.m. in the YES Connect Lounge. YES members who contribute to eyePAC will have the opportunity to network with ASCRS leadership and learn more about eyePAC as well as how to get involved in ASCRS advocacy efforts. If you are interest- ed in the YES eyePAC reception or have questions, you can contact the ASCRS PAC and Grassroots Manager Tami O'Brien at tobrien@ascrs.org. On Friday evening, from 5:00–6:00 p.m., all young eye surgeons are invited to attend the ASCRS•ASOA Joint Government Relations Special Session featuring Tom Coburn, MD, former U.S. senator from Oklahoma. From 1995 to 2001, Dr. Coburn represented Oklahoma's 2nd Congressional Dis- trict in the U.S. House of Representa- tives and was the first Republican to hold that seat for consecutive terms. During his tenure, he served on the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, played a central role in Medicare and health care debates, and worked with ASCRS and the Pa- tient Access Coalition on a patients' bill of rights. In 2004, Dr. Coburn was elected to represent Oklahoma in the U.S. Senate. He was re-elected in 2010 and retired in 2015, return- ing full-time to his medical practice in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Saturday Saturday, May 6, is filled with a vari- ety of YES programming beginning with the YES Networking Luncheon, where attendees will have the oppor- tunity to network with ASCRS lead- ership. Although this event is free, advanced registration is required for admission; attendees should select it as an option when registering for the annual meeting. On Saturday afternoon, YES participants can attend the popu- T he ASCRS•ASOA Sympo- sium & Congress is the most comprehensive edu- cational forum for anybody involved in ophthalmology. Tailored programming is available for everyone, including Young Eye Surgeons (YES)—residents, fellows, and surgeons in their first 5 years of practice. "The educational offerings for young eye surgeons at the annual meeting are extremely impressive," said Elizabeth Yeu, MD, chair of the ASCRS YES Clinical Committee. "Young surgeons can choose from didactic and hands-on learning, as well as network with their peers and some of the top leaders in ophthal- mology all in one weekend." Friday Young surgeons attending the annu- al meeting can kick off their week- end with a visit to the YES Connect Lounge, where they can expand their network by meeting with col- leagues and ASCRS leadership. The YES Connect Lounge was created by the YES Clinical Committee in 2016 to create a comfortable space for young eye surgeons to recharge, connect with others, and learn in a casual environment. The YES Con- nect Lounge is open throughout the meeting from Friday, May 5 through Tuesday, May 9. by Denise Monasterio ASCRS Communications Manager Nick Mamalis, MD, gives a presentation in the YES Connect Lounge on Sunday during the 2016 Symposium & Congress. Source: ASCRS Exclusive programming for young eye surgeons at the 2017 ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress

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