
MAR 2017

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 155 of 186

153 EW IN OTHER NEWS March 2017 by Liz Hillman EyeWorld Staff Writer Ophthalmologist talks about his experience and teaching his own kids how to ski Z achary Zavodni, MD, The Eye Institute, Salt Lake City, had just come down the mountain after a few hours of taking advantage of the fresh powder in Deer Valley, a ski re- sort area in the Wasatch Range, part of the western edge of the Rocky Skiing since age 3, Salt Lake City native has long-standing passion for the winter sport fries"—not the food varieties in this case, but positioning of one's skis— at 3 years old. "When you learn how to ski when you're a kid, you're not afraid," Dr. Zavodni said. Converse- ly, learning as an adult, "You're often terrified because you know what could happen to you. You could break a leg, turn an ankle, hit your head. "When you're not afraid, you learn the confidence that you need. View from the top before last run of the day continued on page 154 Brother and sister after a good day on the slopes Mountains in Park City, Utah. After loading up skis, boots, poles, and related gear into his car, he sat down with EyeWorld before the afternoon programming of the 2017 EyeWorld Surgical Summit, which took place February 2–5, to talk with us about his love of skiing. "It's been snowing for 3 weeks solid, so there's a lot of good snow right now," Dr. Zavodni said of the conditions that day. "The beauty around you when skiing is just phenomenal. Especially here in Utah, the mountain vistas with sparkling snow are incredible. While it's fun to go with friends and family, skiing can be a surprisingly quiet and introspective activity. For the experienced skier, the repeti- tion of linking turn after turn can provide an opportunity for the mind to relax and reset," he said of his general love of skiing. Growing up in Salt Lake City with easy access to world-class skiing, Dr. Zavodni started learn- ing how to do "pizza" and "French Another beautiful day in the mountains The little guy ready to hit the slopes Source (all): Zachary Zavodni, MD

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