
MAR 2017

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Page 24 of 186

EW NEWS & OPINION 22 March 2017 Through the various events, EyeWorld provides highly specialized education to members that comple- ments what they're learning at the ASCRS meetings, Ms. Donohoe said. "Whether it's in a CME environment or a corporate event, I think it all works together to give our members what they're looking for with re- gards to new and emerging technol- ogies," she said. "One of the things that's nice with EyeWorld events is that we can move pretty quickly so that if there is a new technology or a new drug that is being approved, we can promptly move to provide education on that." In addition to holding events for those attending the ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress, EyeWorld also works with the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons in a similar vein. "We have partnered with them to help manage and facilitate some of the education- al events that go on there," she said, adding that because of EyeWorld's own experiences, it made sense to team up with the association in Asia as well. One of the sponsor- ship events there includes a lunch symposium. For such international programs, EyeWorld manages every- thing from marketing to content development to onsite logistics, Ms. Donohoe said. "The benefit of work- ing with EyeWorld is that we have access to market to those interna- tional attendees directly, and also to our own subscription list," she said. "So, we have the ability to educate and market to a targeted group or region." by Maxine Lipner EyeWorld Senior Contributing Editor education. "That has grown expo- nentially recently," Ms. Donohoe said. "We see a lot of need for that." In keeping with that, this past year EyeWorld launched educationhub. eyeworld.org, she said. "That's all based on disease-state education and basically houses everything we do under each disease state, whether it's in print, a live event, a webinar, or an interview," Ms. Donohoe explained, adding that it is designed to be a learning hub for all of Eye- World's educational content from a CME perspective. EyeWorld now also offers companies the ability to repurpose live content from the meetings for education insight, she continued. hoe, director of special proj- ects for EyeWorld. She points out that EyeWorld offers both targeted continuing medical education (CME) focused pro- grams as well as those on the corporate education side. "It's a good avenue for a company from the promotional side to educate on a specific product, technique, or surgical equip- ment," Ms. Donohoe said. "But also on the CME side, we have the ability to focus in and go more in depth on certain topics, as needed." One educational experi- ence EyeWorld has become known for is their series titled "Corporate Mornings." This was instituted to give smaller companies the oppor- tunity to educate members, Ms. Donohoe explained, and companies that participate are able to market to those already coming to the ASCRS symposium and entice attendees to spend part of their morning—coffee in hand—learning about something new and interesting from the com- pany. This is just one of many educa- tional endeavors that EyeWorld has undertaken. "We have done every- thing from international meetings to webinars to training programs to helping companies with their proto- cols to smaller regional meetings," Ms. Donohoe said. One area that has taken off over the past 5 years has been online A spotlight on EyeWorld's programming in honor of its 20-year anniversary O ver the last few months, we've highlighted the wide range of news cov- erage that EyeWorld has provided the ophthalmic community since its founding in 1996. Today, EyeWorld is much more than a monthly publication. From elaborate events to intimate corpo- rate mornings to webinars, EyeWorld has sought to broaden the horizons of ophthalmologists over the past 20 years. In this article, our focus turns to what EyeWorld has developed in the events and education arena. The driving force behind the EyeWorld special events is a need to educate, according to Jessica Dono- Expanding EyeWorld's reach in education and events Onsite registration available for all programs. Friday, May 6 – Monday, May 9, 2016 OFFICIAL PROGRAM GUIDE EyeWorld Program Guide includes details for all EyeWorld Educational Programs Guide to Eyeworld 2016-New Orleans-DL4_wNewText.qxb.qxb_Layout 1 4/25/16 3:39 PM Page 3 The many presenters at EyeWorld's educational programs have included Richard Lewis, MD (above), and Ike Ahmed, MD, (below). Source: EyeWorld continued on page 24

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