
MAR 2017

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/790893

Contents of this Issue


Page 186 of 186

Visit Marco at ASCRS/ASOA Booth 547 Designed and Manufactured by NIDEK - Represented by Marco 800-874-5274 • marco.com TRS Total Refraction Automation OPD-Scan III Wavefront ARK Autorefraction Systems Marco Refraction Systems — Advanced automated instrumentation includes the OPD-Scan III Integrated Wavefront Aberrometer, the TRS-5100/TRS-3100, and EPIC Digital Refraction Workstation, Autorefractors/Keratometers (with VA measurement, Subjective Sphere Refinement, Tonometry, Glare testing on certain models), and Lensmeters–all with EMR Integration. The Difference is Marco. SATISFACTION EPIC Refraction Workstation EPIC Refraction System

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