
MAR 2017

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/790893

Contents of this Issue


Page 10 of 186

EW NEWS & OPINION 8 March 2017 INTERNATIONAL Presentation spotlight Timing cataract surgery around anti-VEGF injections may be a good idea 112 Better visual outcomes after phacoemulsifi- cation noted in wet AMD patients with more frequent injections and longer exudation-free periods by Stefanie Petrou Binder, MD 114 126 130 153 Presentation spotlight Trabeculectomy: Still relevant in the wake of MIGS 114 While recognizing its advantages, a German specialist explains why MIGS devices cannot entirely replace trabeculectomy by Stefanie Petrou Binder, MD Top 10 recommendations for preventing complications in corneal refractive surgery 117 Dr. Bernal shares tips to avoid complications by José Antonio Claros Bernal, MD Dialing in on diabetic retinopathy 123 Considering barriers to preventing vision loss by Maxine Lipner Researchers identify possible unifying pathway behind many retinal diseases 126 Finding could someday lead to treatment to prevent vision loss by Liz Hillman RESIDENTS EyeWorld journal club Review of "Secondary intraocular lenses: Complication rates, visual acuity, and refractive outcomes" 118 by Daniel C. Terveen, MD, Stephanie K. Lynch, MD, Lorraine M. Provencher, MD, Aaron M. Ricca, MD, Spenser J. Morton, MD, Lindsay K. McConnell, MD, Austin Fox, MD, Brittni Scruggs, MD, PhD, Lucas T. Lenci, MD, Steven M. Christiansen, MD, Matthew A. Miller, MD, Tyler B. Risma, MD, Thomas JE Clark, MD, William Flanary, MD, Prashant Parekh, MD, MBA, Anthony T. Chung, MD, and Jaclyn M. Haugsdal, MD MEETING REPORTER Reporting from the 2017 EyeWorld Surgical Summit 130 Reporting from the 75th Annual Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society, Jaipur 138 IN OTHER NEWS Skiing since age 3, Salt Lake City native has long-standing passion for the winter sport 153 Ophthalmologist talks about his experience and now teaching his own kids how to ski by Liz man SPECIAL FEATURE Monthly Pulse survey 100 DEPARTMENTS Meetings calendar 146 Marketplace and classifieds 148 Index to advertisers 150 RETINA Retina consultation corner Management of vitreous floaters and asteroid hyalosis 122 Dr. Charles discusses floaters and patient satisfaction by Steve Charles, MD E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R S Chief medical editor: Eric Donnenfeld, MD Cataract editor: Rosa Braga-Mele, MD Cornea editor: Clara Chan, MD Glaucoma editor: Reay Brown, MD Refractive editor: Vance Thompson, MD CATARACT Lisa Arbisser, MD Susan MacDonald, MD Kevin Miller, MD Saras Ramanathan, MD Jonathan Rubenstein, MD Steven Safran, MD Laurence Sperber, MD Richard Tipperman, MD Mitchell Weikert, MD REFRACTIVE John Berdahl, MD Kraig Bower, MD Y. Ralph Chu, MD Thomas Clinch, MD Neel Desai, MD Lance Kugler, MD Louis Probst, MD GLAUCOMA Husam Ansari, MD Steven Gedde, MD Jeffrey Kammer, MD Parag Parekh, MD Nathan Radcliffe, MD CORNEA Vincent de Luise, MD John Hovanesian, MD Bennie Jeng, MD Barry Lee, MD Bryan Lee, MD Chaz Reilly, MD INTERNATIONAL Graham Barrett, MD Oliver Findl, MD Michael Knorz, MD Boris Malyugin, MD Ronald Yeoh, MD Roberto Zaldivar, MD E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R I A L B O A R D A S C R S E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E A S C R S G O V E R N I N G B O A R D Kerry Solomon, MD, President Robert Cionni, MD, Immediate Past President Richard Lewis, MD, Past President Bonnie Henderson, MD, Vice President/President Elect Thomas Samuelson, MD, Treasurer Nick Mamalis, MD, Secretary Eric Donnenfeld, MD, Medical Editor, EyeWorld Edward Holland, MD, Chair, Program Committee David Chang, MD, Chair, ASCRS Foundation International Committee Stephen Lane, MD, Chair, ASCRS Foundation Domestic Committee Brock Bakewell, MD, Chair, Government Relations Committee Richard Lindstrom, MD, Member at Large Rosa Braga-Mele, MD Chair, Education Committee Warren Hill, MD Member at Large Richard Hoffman, MD Chair, Cataract Clinical Committee Terry Kim, MD Chair, Cornea Clinical Committee Nick Mamalis, MD Editor, JCRS James Mazzo ASCRS Public Trustee Douglas Rhee, MD Chair, Glaucoma Clinical Committee Roger Steinert, MD Chair, Industry Liaison Committee John Vukich, MD Chair, Refractive Surgery Clinical Committee Kevin Waltz, MD, OD Chair, Integrated Practice Committee John Berdahl, MD Chair, ASCRS Membership Committee Steven Charles, MD Chair, Retina Clinical Committee Elizabeth Yeu, MD Chair, Young Eye Surgeons Clinical Committee

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