
MAR 2016

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/649626

Contents of this Issue


Page 165 of 178

March 2016 • Ophthalmology Business 15 by John Banja, PhD Optometrist to ophthalmologist referrals: ethical and legal perspectives In response to this case, I inter- viewed two professional acquaintances, Geoffrey Broocker, MD, a recently retired ophthalmologist from Emory University, Atlanta, and Tara Ady- anthaya, JD, MBE, a bioethicist and healthcare attorney who practices with Morris, Manning and Martin, LLP, At- lanta. Here's what they had to say. An interview with Dr. Broocker JB: Dr. Broocker, is this kind of referral arrangement common in ophthalmology? ter" patients, i.e., well-insured, healthier, or with fewer or no comorbidities, to its co-owned practice, while referring less healthy, older, more acutely ill, and visually impaired patients to the other two practices in town. This has obviously soured relationships between those latter two provider groups and Cosmic, but Cosmic continues the practice. Is this legal? Is it ethical? Can the disgruntled practices just refuse to see Cosmic-referred patients? S ince I began writing in Ophthalmology Business and EyeWorld, I've received an occasional inquiry or correspondence from an ophthal- mologist on an ethical dilemma that he or she has encountered. Recently, I received this one, which is slightly modified from the original: Cosmic Optometry is a co-own- er of one of the three oph- thalmology practices in town. Cosmic has seemingly gotten into the habit of referring "bet- continued on page 16

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