
JUN 2015

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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EW FEATURE 54 Toric IOLs June 2015 Blowing out the candles continued from page 52 INDICATIONS AND USAGE PROLENSA ® (bromfenac ophthalmic solution) 0.07% is indicated for the treatment of postoperative inflammation and reduction of ocular pain in patients who have undergone cataract surgery. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Recommended Dosing One drop of PROLENSA ® ophthalmic solution should be applied to the affected eye once daily beginning 1 day prior to cataract surgery, continued on the day of surgery, and through the first 14 days of the postoperative period. Use with Other Topical Ophthalmic Medications PROLENSA ophthalmic solution may be administered in conjunction with other topical ophthalmic medications such as alpha-agonists, beta- blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, cycloplegics, and mydriatics. Drops should be administered at least 5 minutes apart. CONTRAINDICATIONS None WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Sulfite Allergic Reactions Contains sodium sulfite, a sulfite that may cause allergic-type reactions including anaphylactic symptoms and life-threatening or less severe asthmatic episodes in certain susceptible people. The overall prevalence of sulfite sensitivity in the general population is unknown and probably low. Sulfite sensitivity is seen more frequently in asthmatic than in non- asthmatic people. Slow or Delayed Healing All topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including bromfenac, may slow or delay healing. Topical corticosteroids are also known to slow or delay healing. Concomitant use of topical NSAIDs and topical steroids may increase the potential for healing problems. Potential for Cross-Sensitivity There is the potential for cross-sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, phenylacetic acid derivatives, and other NSAIDs, including bromfenac. Therefore, caution should be used when treating individuals who have previously exhibited sensitivities to these drugs. Increased Bleeding Time With some NSAIDs, including bromfenac, there exists the potential for increased bleeding time due to interference with platelet aggregation. There have been reports that ocularly applied NSAIDs may cause increased bleeding of ocular tissues (including hyphemas) in conjunction with ocular surgery. It is recommended that PROLENSA ® ophthalmic solution be used with caution in patients with known bleeding tendencies or who are receiving other medications which may prolong bleeding time. Keratitis and Corneal Reactions Use of topical NSAIDs may result in keratitis. In some susceptible patients, continued use of topical NSAIDs may result in epithelial breakdown, corneal thinning, corneal erosion, corneal ulceration or corneal perforation. These events may be sight threatening. Patients with evidence of corneal epithelial breakdown should immediately discontinue use of topical NSAIDs, including bromfenac, and should be closely monitored for corneal health. Post-marketing experience with topical NSAIDs suggests that patients with complicated ocular surgeries, corneal denervation, corneal epithelial defects, diabetes mellitus, ocular surface diseases (e.g., dry eye syndrome), rheumatoid arthritis, or repeat ocular surgeries within a short period of time may be at increased risk for corneal adverse events which may become sight threatening. Topical NSAIDs should be used with caution in these patients. Post-marketing experience with topical NSAIDs also suggests that use more than 24 hours prior to surgery or use beyond 14 days post-surgery may increase patient risk for the occurrence and severity of corneal adverse events. Contact Lens Wear PROLENSA should not be instilled while wearing contact lenses. Remove contact lenses prior to instillation of PROLENSA. The preservative in PROLENSA, benzalkonium chloride may be absorbed by soft contact lenses. Lenses may be reinserted after 10 minutes following administration of PROLENSA. ADVERSE REACTIONS Clinical Trial Experience Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice. The most commonly reported adverse reactions following use of PROLENSA ® ophthalmic solution following cataract surgery include: anterior chamber inflammation, foreign body sensation, eye pain, photophobia and vision blurred. These reactions were reported in 3 to 8% of patients. USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS Pregnancy Treatment of rats at oral doses up to 0.9 mg/kg/day (systemic exposure 90 times the systemic exposure predicted from the recommended human ophthalmic dose [RHOD] assuming the human systemic concentration is at the limit of quantification) and rabbits at oral doses up to 7.5 mg/kg/day (150 times the predicted human systemic exposure) produced no treatment-related malformations in reproduction studies. However, embryo-fetal lethality and maternal toxicity were produced in rats and rabbits at 0.9 mg/kg/day and 7.5 mg/kg/day, respectively. In rats, bromfenac treatment caused delayed parturition at 0.3 mg/kg/day (30 times the predicted human exposure), and caused dystocia, increased neonatal mortality and reduced postnatal growth at 0.9 mg/kg/day. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Because of the known effects of prostaglandin biosynthesis- inhibiting drugs on the fetal cardiovascular system (closure of ductus arteriosus), the use of PROLENSA ® ophthalmic solution during late pregnancy should be avoided. Nursing Mothers Caution should be exercised when PROLENSA is administered to a nursing woman. Pediatric Use Safety and efficacy in pediatric patients below the age of 18 have not been established. Geriatric Use There is no evidence that the efficacy or safety profiles for PROLENSA differ in patients 70 years of age and older compared to younger adult patients. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis and Impairment of Fertility Long-term carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice given oral doses of bromfenac up to 0.6 mg/kg/day (systemic exposure 30 times the systemic exposure predicted from the recommended human ophthalmic dose [RHOD] assuming the human systemic concentration is at the limit of quantification) and 5 mg/kg/day (340 times the predicted human systemic exposure), respectively, revealed no significant increases in tumor incidence. Bromfenac did not show mutagenic potential in various mutagenicity studies, including the reverse mutation, chromosomal aberration, and micronucleus tests. Bromfenac did not impair fertility when administered orally to male and female rats at doses up to 0.9 mg/kg/day and 0.3 mg/kg/day, respectively (systemic exposure 90 and 30 times the predicted human exposure, respectively). PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Slowed or Delayed Healing Advise patients of the possibility that slow or delayed healing may occur while using NSAIDs. Sterility of Dropper Tip Advise patients to replace bottle cap after using and to not touch dropper tip to any surface, as this may contaminate the contents. Advise patients that a single bottle of PROLENSA ® ophthalmic solution, be used to treat only one eye. Concomitant Use of Contact Lenses Advise patients to remove contact lenses prior to instillation of PROLENSA. The preservative in PROLENSA, benzalkonium chloride, may be absorbed by soft contact lenses. Lenses may be reinserted after 10 minutes following administration of PROLENSA. Concomitant Topical Ocular Therapy If more than one topical ophthalmic medication is being used, the medicines should be administered at least 5 minutes apart. Rx Only Manufactured by: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, Tampa, FL 33637 Under license from: Senju Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Osaka, Japan 541-0046 Prolensa is a trademark of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates. © Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. 9317600 US/PRA/14/0024 PROLENSA ® (bromfenac ophthalmic solution) 0.07% Brief Summary S:7" S:10" T:7.75" T:10.75" B:7.75" B:10.75" rection or an IOL exchange depend- ing on patient-specific characteristics and needs. For those in the third group, both their astigmatism and their spherical equivalent are off. In that group, it becomes a choice of IOL exchange versus laser vision correc- tion. Deciding between these may come down to the patient's ability to wait for laser vision treatment for 2–3 months, Dr. Yeu said. "I want to make sure that they're off drops and that their ocular surface is healthy enough to provide an accurate re- fraction," she explained. Dr. Serafano also won't perform laser vision correction for residual astigmatism until about 3 months have gone by. "I want to make sure that they have stable refraction and that's what they want done," he said. Ultimately, it all comes down to the patient, he said. "I think the patient determines whether or not any secondary inter- vention is necessary," Dr. Serafano said. "If a patient is accepting, even though you may have a mathemat- ical error on your refraction, I think you're done." However, if the patient is un- happy, it is then a question of going through the options. "If you find out that rotation would help them, you can offer that," Dr. Serafano said. "If the patient doesn't want to go back to the operating room, you're faced with either glasses or laser vision correction." Dr. Serafano stressed the impor- tance of understanding why that surprise occurred in order to prevent it from happening again. "I think whether or not you trace it back to an abnormal topography or some misalignment, in the end it's im- portant to know why," he said. Going forward, he hopes that practitioners will do more educat- ing on treatment of astigmatism. "I think that if we can better teach how to analyze and treat astigma- tism, we're going to find the use of toric lens implants will increase significantly," Dr. Serafano conclud- ed. EW Editors' note: Dr. Serafano has finan- cial interests with Alcon. Dr. Yeu has financial interests with Alcon and Abbott Medical Optics (Abbott Park, Ill.). Contact information Serafano: serafano@verizon.net Yeu: eyeulin@gmail.com you caused a new vector of astigma- tism from your incisions, this will take that into account." Handling errors Dr. Yeu finds that there are 3 groups of toric postoperative surprise pa- tients with which to contend. The first includes those with obvious malrotation of the toric lens. "In that situation, it doesn't hurt to look at what astigmatismfix.com says to see if rotating it into axis or into a different axis will help minimize their astigmatism error," Dr. Yeu said. The second group is those who have mixed astigmatism, with no error in spherical equivalent. "If their spherical equivalent is zero, you know that if you fix the astig- matism part, they're going to be very happy with their vision," Dr. Yeu said. If this astigmatism is less than 1 D, Dr. Yeu will place a limbal relaxing incision in the steep me- ridian. If there is undercorrection of astigmatism and an LRI is also pres- ent, she will try titrating and open- ing limbal relaxing incisions in the axis. However, if there is more than 1 D of astigmatism postoperatively, Dr. Yeu will consider laser vision cor-

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