
MAR 2015

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Page 234 of 234

1. A poorly centered capsule can result in: a. A retinal tear b. Malpositioned haptic c. Double vision d. None of the above 2. According to Dr. Blecher, laser-assisted cataract surgery: a. Has limited peer-review published literature on the technology, with less than 50 papers written on the subject b. May improve capsulorhexis creation and therefore lens centration, as well as arcuate incisions and lens fragmentation c. Is not as reliable as diamond blades d. Is not recommended for treating lower levels of astigmatism 3. According to the 2014 ASCRS Clinical Survey: a. 34.9% of ASCRS members do not believe there is enough data showing the benefits of LACS vs. conventional cataract surgery b. Almost 64% of respondents define LVC "success" as the percentage of patients with 20/20 c. 7.2% of patients receive presbyopia-correcting IOLs d. All of the above 4. Elongated depth of focus IOLs a. Provide multiple foci b. Direct more of their light energy to near vision c. Create an effective add of about 3.0 D d. Lengthen the focal point 5. Post-laser vision correction, how does residual cylinder affect uncorrected distance visual acuity outcomes? a. At 0.5 D of residual cylinder, almost 25% of patients are not at 20/20 b. At 1.0 D of residual cylinder, almost 35% of patients are not at 20/20 c. At 1.5 D of residual cylinder, 50% of patients are not at 20/20 d. At 2.0 D of residual cylinder, 50% of patients are not at 20/20 Three tipping points in refractive cataract surgery March 2015 CME questions (Circle the correct answer) To claim credit, please fax the test and fully completed form by September 30, 2015 to 703-547-8842, email to GPearson@ascrs.org, or mail to: EyeWorld, 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033, Attn: March 2015 CME Supplement ASCRS Member ID (optional): First/Last Name/Degree: Practice: Address: City, State, Zip, Country: Phone: Email: Please print email address legibly, as CME certificate will be emailed to the address provided. Copyright 2015 ASCRS Ophthalmic Corporation. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or the publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld or ASCRS. To take this test online and claim credit, go to bit.ly/1CIMels or complete the test below and fax, mail, or email.

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