for 1.8 mm MICS incisions. IOL
performance during implantation
and placement was controlled and
predictable, Dr. Morselli said, and
the IOL demonstrated predictable
and stable centration at 1–2 months
postop. In addition, the posterior
capsule remained clear in all cases
after 2 years of follow-up.
Enhancing premium outcomes
D. Ramamurthy, MD, chair of The
Eye Foundation, Coimbatore, India,
shifted the discussion from new
technologies to ways that physicians
can enhance outcomes with premi-
um IOL patients.
"It is not the IOL that is pre-
mium, it is the procedure that is
premium," he said. Achieving good
outcomes comes down to the "gar-
bage in, garbage out" principle, Dr.
Ramamurthy said—if the primary
IOL power calculation is not accu-
rate, there is no way to achieve a
satisfactory refractive outcome.
For best outcomes, he stressed
the importance of addressing the 5
"Cs"—cylinder and residual refrac-
tive error, capsular opacities, cornea
and ocular surface disease, cystoid
macular edema, and centration of
the IOL.
"Once I started looking into
these factors more closely, not just
postoperatively but perioperatively, I
find that I am able to address many
of these conditions quite appropri-
ately," Dr. Ramamurthy said.
Addressing these 5 factors can
enhance outcomes and improve
patient satisfaction, but in the end,
patients are more concerned about
how much you care, rather than
how much you know, he said.
When patients are unhappy with
their refractive outcomes, be sure to
acknowledge their dissatisfaction,
Dr. Ramamurthy said. EW
Editors' note: Dr. Donnenfeld has
financial interests with AMO. Dr.
Gatinel co-designed the FineVision lens.
Dr. Morselli has financial interests with
B+L. Dr. Ramamurthy has no financial
interests related to his comments.
Contact information
Damien Gatinel, MD, describes a new trifocal IOL that gives patients distance,
intermediate, and near vision.
Source (all): EyeWorld