
JUN 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/325050

Contents of this Issue


Page 74 of 74

Smarter. Better. Faster. LenSx ® Laser. There's only one. BETTER - Customizable lens fragmentation for easy lens removal 2 - SoftFit™ Patient Interface for easy docking, secure fixation and lower IOP 3 - Compatible with the VERION™ Digital Marker for surgical planning and execution 1 SMARTER - Pre-population of patient and incision data - Advanced pre-positioning of incisions and capsulotomy - Platform design enables continued innovation and rapid enhancements FASTER 2 - Laser procedure efficiency with reduced programming and suction time - Designed for maximum procedural flexibility and ease of patient flow and transfer - Simpler, easier patient docking 1. Multicenter prospective clinical study. Alcon data on le. 2. Using current LenSx® Laser systems 3. Alcon data on file. THE C ATARAC T REFRAC TIVE SUITE BY ALCON For important safety information, please see adjacent page. © 2013 Novartis 10/13 LSX13286JAD Delivering uncompromised precision and consistency, the LenSx ® Laser has maintained its global leadership through continuous innovation in laser refractive cataract surgery. The LenSx® Laser leverages the power of The Cataract Refractive Suite by Alcon with tools designed to further streamline and improve the entire procedure. LenSxLasers.com 69-72 ION_EW June 2014-DL_Layout 1 6/3/14 12:57 PM Page 72

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