
JUL 2011

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Page 9 of 59

EW NEWS & OPINION 10 significant barriers to advancing one's professional skills. Barriers such as finding classes locally, time away from the office or family, and cost are eliminated with online training. ACTIONED offers a solu- tion that is comprehensive, fast, time-efficient, and specifically tai- lored to the needs of ophthalmic staff and professionals. ACTIONED is an e-learning website for the entire eyecare com- munity, including nurses, photogra- phers, medical assistants, techni- cians, and medical technologists. "The goal is to connect eyecare pro- fessionals with practical online edu- cational and assessment content at an affordable cost," says JCAHPO President William H. Ehlers, M.D. "ACTIONED has an extensive course catalog containing over 130 courses from basic to advanced learning, which is one of its greatest strengths." The types of online courses of- fered include: Accounting and Fi- nance for the Non-Accountant, Medicare – Coding Update, Internet Marketing, ASC Infection Control, Managed Care Contracts, CMS Rules for ASCs (Conditions for Coverage), Appointment Scheduling, and Track- ing Marketing Leads. Dr. Ehlers stated, "ACTIONED fuses innovations in online learning with emerging technologies from the fast-paced world of eyecare." The site utilizes a variety of new media and features content and assess- ments including: • interactive simulation • downloadable audio/text • asynchronous audio/video The ACTIONED training plat- form is the result of a broad-based collaborative effort of key oph- thalmic organizations: • ASOA • Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmol- ogy (JCAHPO) • American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses (ASORN) • Association of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology (ATPO) • Canadian Society of Ophthalmic Medical Personnel (CSOMP) • Ophthalmic Photographers' Soci- ety (OPS) Practice staff can also receive ap- plicable credits for: COE, JCAHPO, ASORN, OPS, and AOC. Practices with ASOA members can sign up for a 3-month free trial membership to use and evaluate AC- TIONED by sending a request to asoa@asoa.org or signing up directly at www.asoa.org. Moreover, ASOA members receive up to a 50% dis- count on select courses. EW About ACTIONED ACTIONED was created in 2010 by the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO) and contributing partner organizations that include the Associa- tion of Technical Personnel in Ophthalmology (ATPO), the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses (ASORN), the Canadian So- ciety of Ophthalmic Medical Personnel (CSOMP), the Ophthalmic Photographers' So- ciety (OPS), and the American Society of Oph- thalmic Administrators (ASOA). ACTIONED's mission is to enhance the quality of oph- thalmic patient care by providing education and training for the entire eyecare team. About JCAHPO The Joint Commission on Allied Health Per- sonnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO) was estab- lished as a not-for-profit organization in 1969 to offer certification and continuing education opportunities to ophthalmic allied health per- sonnel. Since then, more than 25,000 people in the U.S., Canada, and around the world have earned JCAHPO certification. For more information, visit www.jcahpo.org. July 2011 Now available online eyeworld.org/ascrsalconevent2011 Paving the Way for the Future: Advanced Technology IOLs & Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery from the 2011 ASCRS•ASOA Symposium and Congress Moderator: Kerry D. Solomon, MD Faculty: Robert J. Cionni, MD Bret L. Fisher, MD, Bonnie An Henderson, MD Robert P. Rivera, MD ACTIONED continued from page 9 ABOUT THE AUTHOR John Ciccone is director of communications for the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Contact him at 703-591-2220.

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