
JUL 2011

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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July 2011 EW Table of Contents 6 Refractive surgery on patients with herpes simplex virus 41 Experts warn to tread carefully. Any trauma to the cornea could reactivate dormant virus, increasing complications from the procedure by Faith A. Hayden 44 44 The half-million dollar decision: Picking an insurance provider and plan 52 On average, ophthalmologists spend as much as $500,000 on medical malpractice insur- ance, so understanding insurance providers and plan options is critical by David Laber G L A U C O M A Glaucoma editor's corner of the world Could it be the IOL? 42 Recognizing and treating patients with UGH syndrome by Faith A. Hayden Location, location, location 43 When it comes to peripheral iridotomy, placement is the key to patient satisfaction by Michelle Dalton O P H T H A L M O L O G Y B U S I N E S S International editor's corner of the world World-class care, teaching, and research in KKESH-Wilmer collaboration 44 by Vanessa Caceres 57 S P E C I A L F E AT U R E S World view 8 JCRS update 9 ASCRS update 9 Best papers of session 11 D E PA RT M E N T S Classifieds 55 Calendar 56 Index to advertisers 57 CATARACT Lisa B. Arbisser, M.D. Preston H. Blomquist, M.D. Steve G. Safran, M.D. Farrell (Toby) C. Tyson, M.D. Mitch Weikert, M.D. CORNEA Clara C. Chan, M.D. Vince de Luise, M.D. John A. Hovanesian, M.D. REFRACTIVE Scott P. Bower, M.D. Y. Ralph Chu, M.D. Neel Desai, M.D. Louis E. Probst, M.D. GLAUCOMA Steven J. Gedde, M.D. Nathan M. Radcliffe, M.D. Carla J. Siegfried, M.D. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY GROUP Amar Agarwal, F.R.C.S. Graham D. Barrett, F.R.A.C.O. Ashley Behrens, M.D. William De La Pena, M.D. Bruno M. Fontes, M.D., Ph.D. Nada S. Jabbur, M.D. Shigeru Kinoshita, M.D. Boris E. Malyugin, M.D. Dan Z. Reinstein, M.D. Hungwon Tchah, M.D. Vladimir N. Trubilin, Ph.D. Ke Yao, M.D. Ronald Yeoh, M.D. E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R I A L   B O A R D E Y E W O R L D E D I T O R S Chief medical editor: David F. Chang, M.D. Cataract editor: Bonnie An Henderson, M.D. Cornea editor: Edward J. Holland, M.D. Refractive editor: Kerry D. Solomon, M.D. Glaucoma editor: Reay H. Brown, M.D. International editor: John A. Vukich, M.D. 50 Panel discusses ethics of femto for cataract 54 At this year's ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress, physicians participated in a discussion on ethics by Jena Passut 42 Your ophthalmology practice needs a practice retreat 50 Off-site planning retreats are beneficial to practice owners and non-owner ophthalmologists by Mark E. Kropiewnicki, Esq., L.L.M. Online: www.EyeWorld.org Mobile: EyeWorld.mobi Twitter: www.twitter.com (account name: ewnews) 41 Brock K. Bakewell, M.D. Chair, Government Relations Committee Rosa M. Braga-Mele, M.D. Chair, Cataract Clinical Committee David F. Chang, M.D. Medical Editor, EyeWorld Elizabeth A. Davis, M.D. Chair, Refractive Surgery Clinical Committee Terry Kim, M.D. Chair, Cornea Clinical Committee Stephen S. Lane, M.D. Chair, Optometric Task Force Richard L. Lindstrom, M.D. Chair, ASCRS Foundation Nick Mamalis, M.D. Editor, JCRS Sherman W. Reeves, M.D. MPH Chair, Young Physicians and Residents Committee Thomas W. Samuelson, M.D. Chair, Glaucoma Clinical Committee Bradford J. Shingleton, M.D. Past President Roger F. Steinert, M.D. Chair, Program Committee A S C R S   G O V E R N I N G B O A R D A S C R S E X E C U T I V E   C O M M I T T E E Edward J. Holland, M.D., President David F. Chang, M.D., Vice President/President-Elect R. Doyle Stulting, M.D., Ph.D., Immediate Past President Alan S. Crandall, M.D., Past President Eric D. Donnenfeld, M.D., Treasurer Richard A. Lewis, M.D., Secretary I N O T H E R N E W S Mercy flight 57 Texas-based ophthalmologist turns hobby into charity work by Faith A. Hayden

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