
JUL 2011

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Page 13 of 59

EW NEWS & OPINION 14 women. Also, the social networking that can contribute to upward career mobility is more challenging for a woman to engage in when the exist- ing leadership is primarily male. Men tend to socialize and bond more readily with other men, and thus it is only natural they then promote those they know and like. Hence, women tend to be ex- cluded from the "inner circle," oth- erwise known as the "good old boy network." Thus gender bias is multi- factorial, due to a combination of choice and circumstance. Dr. Haller: Absolutely! I also found this recent interview helpful in thinking about responses to these questions: Four researchers taking part in the World Science Festival talked with The Times about their lives as scientists, the joys and struggles of research, and the specific challenges women in science face. http://nyti.ms/jkzfge July 2011 Gender continued from page 13 To Register visit www.ophthalmologysummit.com FEATURING: The Ophthalmology /ŶŶŽǀĂƟŽŶ^ŚŽǁĐĂƐĞ ϮϱнWƌŝǀĂƚĞ;ĞǀŝĐĞΘWŚĂƌŵĂͿ ŽŵƉĂŶLJKWƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟŽŶƐ For more information contact: Carissa Stavrakos, Executive Producer, International Business Forum, Inc. (516) 765-9005 ext. 310 or Carissa@ibfconferences.com Presented By: 3 R D A N N U A L I N N O V A T I O N S U M M I T O P H T H A L M O LO G Y October 20, 2011, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL Ğ Ś dŚ Ğ Ś ƚ Ŷ Ğ ƚ Ŷ Ž Đ Ő Ŷ Ɵ Ğ Ğ D Ă ǀ Ž Ŷ Ŷ / LJ Ő Ž ů Ž ŵ ů Ă Ś ƚ Ś Ɖ KƉ Ğ Ś ƚ Ś Ɖ Ž Ĩ ŽĨ ƚ Ŷ Ğ ŵ Ɖ Ž ů Ğ ǀ Ğ ĚĞ Ɖ džƉ Ğ Ě Ğ ƚ Ž Ŷ LJ ď Ě Ğ ƌ Ğ ǀ ŝ ů Ğ Ě Ɛ ŝƐ ƚ Ŷ ƚ ŝ Ŷ Ƶ Ϳ ^Ϳ / K ; ƚ ŝ ŵ ŵ Ƶ ^ Ŷ Ž Ɵ Ă ͕ Ɛ͕ Ő Ƶ ƌ Ěƌ ͕ Ɛ͕ ƚ Đ Ƶ Ě Ž ƌ Ɖ Đ ŝ ŵ ůŵ Ă Ś LJ ƌ ƚ Ɛ Ƶ Ě Ŷ ŝ ͕ Ă͕ ŝ ŵ Ğ Ě Ă Đ Ă Ŷ ŝŶ Ɛ ƚƐ ƌ Ğ Ɖ Ě Ŷ Ğ Ʃ Ʃ Ϭ ϭ Ϭ Ϯ ϰ ϯ Ĩ ƚ ů Ě ϱ Ϯ ϱ Ŷ ŝ Ɛ ƌƐ Ğ ĚĞ Ă Ğ ů Ɛ Ğ ͘ Ɛ Ğ Đ ŝ ǀ Ğ ĚĞ Ě Ŷ Ă Ő Ŷ ƟŶ Ɛ Ğ ǀ Ŷ ŝŶ Ğ ƌ Ă Đ Ś ƚ ů Ă Ğ Ś Ě Ŷ Ă ͕ LJ͕ Ɖ Ɛ Đ ŝ Ś Ɖ Ő Ă ƌ Ő Ž ŵ Ğ Ğ Ğ ŝ ƚ ϯ ϭ Ě ƚ ƚ ^ ^ h ϰ Ő Ő ϰ ϯ ŵ Ž ƌ Ĩ Ɛ Ğ ƌ ƚ Ă Ő Ğ ů Ğ Ě ϱ Ϯ ϱ Ɛ Ğ ŝ ƌ ƚ Ŷ Ƶ Ž ϯ ϭ Ě Ŷ Ă Ɛ Ğ ƚ Ă ƚ ^ ^ h ϰ Ŷ ŵ ŝ Ɛ ŝ ƚ ŝ ŵ ŵ Ƶ ^ Ɛ ŝ Ś dŚ Ŷ Ƶ ͘ d͘ Ʃ Ğ ŵ ŵ W ͘ D ͕ ͘ ͘ Ś W ͕ ͘ ͘ D r artne P s ture n e Clarus V Ve ͗ Ŷ Ă ŵ ƌ ŝ Ă Ś ƚ ŝ ŵ ŵ Ƶ ^ LJ Ğ D Ě ƌ Ă Ž LJ ƌ Ž Ɛ ŝ ǀ Ě ͕ Ğ Ś ƚ Ž ƚ ƌ Ž ŝ ƌ Ɖ LJ ůLJ Ğ ƚ Ă ŝ Ěŝ Ğ ŵ ŵ ͘ ƌ : ͕ ŵ Ă Ś Ő Ŷ ŝ ͘ , ͘ W > ͘ : ŵ Ă ŝ ů ů ŝ t Managing Dire tures n e t V Ve rsan e Ve ͗ Ɛ ƌ Ğ ď ŵ Ğ Ő Ś Ͳ Ž Ő Ŷ Ɵ Ğ Ğ D Ɖ K Ĩ ŽĨ LJ ŵ Ğ Ě Ă Đ Ŷ Ă Đ ŝ ƌ Ğ ŵ ͘ Ś W ͕ Ŭ Ŷ ŝ > or ct Managing Dire tures ͘ D ͕ Ŷ Ă ŵ ŝ ů < ů ŝ ' or ct Managing Dire artners t P s e rWe e t In ͗ Ɛ ƌ ŝ Ă Ś Ě ŝ Ě Ś ŝ ͘ Ŷ Ž Ɵ Ŷ Ğ ǀ Ŷ Ž LJ Ő Ž ů Ž ŵ ůŵ Ă Ś ƚ Ś Ɖ ͘ or artners Ŷ ŝ ŵ Ă Ě ͘ W LJ Ŷ Ž Ś ƚ Ŷ ssor of Oph e Adjunct Prof fe University of Illinois e, nc & Visual Scie thalmology at Global Head of Oph , VP, , De cturer, De Le ch, e t nen Ge vard Har v , thalmology, Oph Ŷ Ă ƌ Ŭ Ŷ Ğ ŵ Ƶ ů Ŭ ƌ Ă D ssor & Chairman, e Profe thal t of Oph Departmen rsity ord Unive anford Unive St Ɛ ƌ Ğ LJ Ŭ Ž Ž ƌ r artne P Ğ Į ƵĮ Ă Ɛ Ŷ ŝ Ŭ ƌ Ğ W ƌ Ğ Ŷ ŝ Ğ ů < ͘ ͘ D ͕ Ɛ thalmology ssor of Oph University of Illinois thalmology at t of n partme , De al School dic vard Me ͘ ͘ D ͕ nj ssor & Chairman, mology thal Ɛ ƌ Ğ LJ Θ Ě ů Ğ Ƶ : Ğ Ğ Ŷ Ğ Ő Ƶ r & Vic ounde F s, t Lab orSigh F Ŷ Ă ƌ ' ƚ ƌ Ğ ď Ž Z O and Preside CE Ă Đ ŝ Ő ƌ Ƶ ^ ů Ă ď Ž ů ' ď ŵ Ž > н Ś Đ Ɛ Ƶ Ă ƌ Ğ LJ Ƶ ' Ě ŝ ǀ Ă r artne P es nc e Scie V Lif fe Scie S ͘ ͘ D ͕ Ŷ Ă Ƶ e Chairman r & Vic C LL ƚ t, n O and Preside Ɛ Ɛ Ğ Ŷ ŝ Ɛ Ƶ ů Ă ď ͘ ͘ D ͕ ƌ͕ es Ž ƌ ƚ Ɛ Ě Ŷ ŝ > Ě ƌ Ă Ś Đ ŝ Z Ě Ŷ Ğ Ʃ Θ ƌ Ğ Ě Ŷ Ƶ Ž & Consult ye a E Eye sot Minne ͕ ŝ ď Ă Ŭ ƌ Ă D ŝ ƌ ď Ă ^ ĸ Kĸ ů Ă Đ ŝ Ě Ğ D Ĩ ĞĨ ŝ Ś t R&D siden e-Pre Sr Vic orie on Laborat Alc Ž nj nj Ă D ŵ ŝ : Ʃ Ž ď ď Ͳ ƚ Ŷ Ğ Ě ŝ Ɛ Ğ ƌ W Ě ŝ Ɛ Ğ ƌ W Ğ Đ ŝ s ƌ Ž ŝ Ŷ Ğ ^ ͘ ͘ D ͕ ŵ Ž Ŷ Ž Ğ Ő ƌ Ƶ ^ Ő Ŷ ŝ ts an Consult ͘ ͘ D ƌ Ğ Đ ĸ t R&D Inc. s, ͘ Đ Ŷ / Ɛ ĐƐ Ɵ Ɖ K ů Ă Đ ŝ Ě Ğ D Ʃ Ɛ Ğ ŝ ƌ Ž ƚ Ă ƌ Ž ď Ă > Ʃ Ž ď ď Ͳ ƚ Ŷ Ğ ͘ ͘ D ͕ ů Ğ ƚ Ă W ƌ ŝ ŵ Ă ^ O t & CE siden Pre ch e thoTe Oph ͕ Ɖ Ƶ Đ ƚ ŝ Ś t ͘ D Ʃ Ž Đ ^ R&D and CSO , EVP, Inc. rgan, Alle ͘ ͘ D ͕ o Re tion c To Register visit www ma or e inf for or mor F Carissa Stavrakos, Executive Producer (516) 765-9005 ext. 310 or Carissa@ibfconferences.com o Register visit www t: tac on tion c , International Business Forum, Inc. Carissa Stavrakos, Executive Producer (516) 765-9005 ext. 310 or Carissa@ibfconferences.com .ophthalmologysummit.com , International Business Forum, Inc. o Register visit www y: ed B t esen Pr .ophthalmologysummit.com continued on page 16 sis to hold the paracentesis open while passing the needle into the anterior chamber will also facilitate entry if this step becomes difficult. For a "single pocket" dialysis of less than 90 degrees, the two needle passes should basically trisect the dialysis into thirds (Figure 6). After the sutures have been placed, the needles are removed, and the suture ends are retrieved through the external opening of the scleral pocket by placing a Sinsky hook into the pocket and pulling each suture end out (Figure 7). Once both suture ends of the double-armed suture have been ex- ternalized, the suture is tightened and tied, allowing the knot to slide under the protective roof of the scle- ral pocket. The suture ends are then trimmed and no additional wound closure of the pockets is required (Figure 8). These repairs are usually per- formed in combination with cataract extraction, and it is best to repair the iridodialysis before pha- coemulsification in order to facili- tate access to the lens and avoid inadvertent aspiration and enlarge- ment of the iridodialysis. Following phacoemulsification, IOL implanta- tion, and viscoelastic removal, the pupil should be constricted intraop- eratively in order to determine if sig- nificant correctopia has been created from the iridodialysis repair. If so, a single suture can be placed through the pupillary margin, utilizing a Siepser slip-knot technique, in order to "pinch" the pupil into a rounder and smaller size if desired. By utilizing a scleral pocket for scleral fixation and repair of irido- dialyses, scleral cauterization and collagen denaturation can be avoided. In addition, by avoiding conjunctival dissection, patients who have filtering blebs or may re- quire filtering blebs in the future may be better served. It is an alterna- tive method to consider. EW Contact information Hoffman: rshoffman@finemd.com Iridodialysis continued from page 12 I like the point they make that women have to be made of steel—or titanium!—to flourish and that it is difficult but worthwhile. "Warrior" is a word these remarkable female scientists use. They also comment on how different "guyspeak" is from "girlspeak" (my terms). My observa- tion is that women literally have to change the way they talk and think—or at the very least be aware of the differences and work around them—to muscle their way into the top level male "power" conversation or even to register on the top level male "power" radar screen. For many women, this simply isn't worth it, or they can't adjust to do it. Luckily for us in medicine, as op- posed to many areas of business or law, an extremely gratifying and suc- cessful career of clinical care, teach- ing, and/or research can be pursued

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