
JAN 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/233841

Contents of this Issue


Page 7 of 66

Wavefront Optimized RefraXion Refining the Art of Refraction + OPD-Scan III TRS-5100 XFRACTIONSM process uses the multi-functional es OPD-Scan III aberrometer/ corneal analyzer and the TRS-5100 digital refractor. Save time, while receiving more information about each patient's total visual system for superior diagnostics and surgical results. "We recently had a patient who had a Crystalens implant. He came in on his one week visit and was 20/20 doing very well. At his one month visit he told me that his vision declined. The OPD III showed a diopter and a half of an astigmatism, which wasn't there previously. Patients really like the fact that we can show them on a screen exactly what we are looking at to help them understand what is going on." Faisal Haq, MD Watch the video: http://www.ophthalmologyweb.com/Videos/142216-Dr-Haq-Discusses-the-Benefits-of-the-OPD-Scan-III/ XFRACTION : WAVEFRONT OPTIMIZED REFRAXION WAV RONT OPTIMIZED REFRA VEF PT A SM 800.874.5274 www.marco.com ® *Data based on national averages.

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