EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/233841
January 2014 EW CLASSIFIEDS 59 Marketplace and Classifieds 1(:(=9LHZ3ULVP%DUV 1(:(=9LHZ3ULVP%DUV : (= 9L LH 3ULV UL UV 7KHEHVWHQKDQFHPHQWWRSULVP EDUVVLQFHZHLQYHQWHGWKHPLQ :KHQPRYLQJWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH SULVPPDJQLWXGHWKHH[DPLQHUFDQ HDVLO\VHHWKHQXPEHUVZLWKRXW WXUQLQJWKHSULVPEDUVLGHZD\VRU FKDQJLQJSRVLWLRQ Find us on social media Are you a fan of EyeWorld? Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/EyeWorldMagazine $JUHDWDGYDQWDJHVLQFHWXUQLQJ SULVPEDUVGXULQJWKHDVVHVVPHQW RIYHUJHQFHDPSOLWXGHVFRXOG LQWHUIHUHZLWKWKHDFFXUDF\RIWKH PHDVXUHPHQW 7KLVQHZSULVPEDUGHVLJQDOORZV FOLQLFLDQVWRFRQFHQWUDWHRQWKH LPSRUWDQWDVSHFWVRIWKH H[DPLQDWLRQDQGHDVLO\YLHZWKH UHVXOWV (=9LHZ"LVSDUWLFXODUO\XVHIXOLQ HQKDQFLQJSULVPXVHVNLOOV NL LO :HEVHDUFK3ULV %DUV$OVRYLVLWIRU :H :HE UF ULVP %DUV LV OVR YLVLW IRU V YL IR LV H[WH LYH RG H[WHQVLYHSURGXFWRIIHULQJV RIIH JV II EyeWorld magazine is now online. Read it, Watch it, Share it TAMPA, FLORIDA - OPHTHALMOLOGIST, LASIK SPECIALIST Fast paced, growing practice is seeking a long term physician with advanced technology and procedure leadership to broaden scope of internal Cornea/Lasik services. Excellent opportunity for motivated, highly skilled, board certified, LASIK Specialist. Cornea fellowship is preferred but not necessary. Well established multi-specialty practice with 150+ employees working in multiple locations. We enjoy an excellent reputation and have a large, established referral base. We offer a competitive base salary with a generous bonus structure and benefit package. For additional information about our practice, please visit us at www.newsomeye.com. Please submit your CV and cover letter outlining your interest in our practice to l.oconnor@newsomeye.net. Phone inquiries (813) 397-1630. Located in Florida, the area provides numerous lifestyle and cultural choices, as well as access to highly regarded schools and educational institutions. Enjoyable year round climate provides abundant outdoor and recreational opportunities, all within minutes of beautiful beaches. The online version has videos, can be dowloaded to your mobile device, and you can email articles or the entire issue to a friend. Take advantage of reduced advertising rates now. Buy 1 month, get 2 months free. EyeWorld Marketplace Advertising Single unit: 4.75" x 2.5" Double Unit Vertical: 9.25" x 2.5" Double Unit Horizontal: 4.75" x 5" Second color, red, blue, green, is free. Cost: Single: $400.00 Double: $800.00 EyeWorld Classified Advertising • Sale of Equipment Career Opportunities • Recruitment Advertising 2.15" x 1" = $70.00 2.15" x 2" = $140.00 2.15" x 3" = $210.00 2.15" x 4"= $280.00 2.15" x 5"= $350.00 2.15" x 6"= $420.00 2.15" x 7"= $490.00 2.15" x 8"= $560.00 2.15" x 9"= $630.00 2.25" x 10"= $700.00 EyeWorld reaches more than 24,000 ophthalmologists monthly. Your ad will appear in the online version of EyeWorld as an added benefit.