
JAN 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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January 2014 EW CORNEA 47 endothelial transplantation possible in donors of all age groups. PDEK requires no specialized or expensive equipment. Our short-term results of PDEK are comparable to the visual recovery of DMEK with less chance of interface opacification and graft dislocations. Intraoperative tissue handling seems less challenging due to the thick nature of the graft. The technique requires no additional learning curve. Different from existing endothelial keratoplasties Intraoperative graft unrolling and tissue handling is easier due to the thicker nature of the PDEK graft as compared to DMEK graft. PDEK graft can be harvested from donors of any age without difficulty. The thickness of the PDEK graft is less than conventional Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) and ultrathin DSAEK. Hence the tissue additive effect seen with PDEK is less than DSAEK. There is less chance of posterior corneal curvature change and therefore less risk of hyperopic shift. PDEK takes ultra thin-DSAEK to a "thinner level" while retaining its advantages but not requiring sophisticated instrumentation and a keratome. In a small pilot study done in our center, in vivo analysis of PDEK grafts showed mean graft thickness after one month to be 28±5.6 µm, which is larger than the conventional DMEK graft and less than the ultrathin DSAEK graft. Faster visual recovery is obtained after surgery, and unlike DSAEK there is no significant interface haze. EditorsÕ note: Dr. Agarwal is affiliated with Dr. AgarwalÕs Eye Hospital and Eye Research Centre, Chennai, India. He has no financial interests related to this article. Contact information Agarwal: dragarwal@vsnl.com OPHTHALMOLOGY INNOVATION SUMMIT April 24, 2014 | Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA CREATING AN ECOSYSTEM OF CLINICAL, TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS The Ophthalmology Innovation Summit (OIS) is a forum dedicated to advancing ophthalmic innovation by uniting the leading investors, physicians, entrepreneurs and industry executives in the ophthalmology space, to facilitate information transfer, deal-flow, and strategic partnerships and acquisitions. — Register now at www.oisascrs.com — Seating is limited. Register now with registration code EYEWORLD Summary • Pre Descemet's collagen layer can be used to increase the thickness of the endothelium-DM complex for endothelial transplantation to reduce the intraoperative tissue handling problems. • Pre Descemet's endothelial keratoplasty (PDEK) provides faster visual recovery comparable to conventional Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). • Unlike DMEK, PDEK graft can be harvested in donors of all age groups. EW For information regarding speaking and sponsorship opportunities, contact: Craig Simak Executive Producer (516) 307-0743 Craig@ibfconferences.com For questions regarding registration, contact: Brooke Greiff (516) 468-6027 Brooke@ibfconferences.com

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