
JAN 2014

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/233841

Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 66

SYMPOSIUM & CONGRESS SYMPOSIUM CONG RE SS 2014 2014 APRIL 25–29 APRIL 25–29 BOSTON Additional Programming Cornea Day ASCRS ASCRS Glaucoma Day ASOA Workshops ASOA Workshops Technicians Te hnicians & Nurses Program ec Program A R AC T A N D R E F R CAT AC TI V E A MER I E E Y E Y E Y E RY CA N R R R R RG SO U U U U SU CI ET F YO 2014 1974 YEARS REGISTER TODAY REGISTER TODAY ASCRS • One price includes crossover access to ASCRS and ASOA presentations, roundtables, legislative and regulatory ASOA presentations, roundtables, regulatory updates, Consultants on Call, and MediaCenters Consultants • Unmatched networking opportunities with the leaders Unmatched networking opportunities industry in your field and hundreds of industry exhibitors • Innovative lectures and interactive panels on surgical techniques and practice management strategies techniques www.ascrs.org www.ascrs.org www.asoa.org www.asoa.org Follow @AS C R Stweets on Twitter @ASCRStweets Twitter #A C R SAS OA2 0 14 AS #ASCRSASOA2014

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