

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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Contact Name: email C Heading Name title SUMMER 2024 | EYEWORLD | 59 like this has made him more aware of looking at the lashes for Demodex. "In my experience, it has been well tolerated by patients. I've had essentially all my patients come back looking better and feeling better. In general, it seems to be well tolerated and quite effective," he said. Whether the Demodex will come back, Dr. Rapuano said it's been suggested that every 6–24 months patients may need another course of XDEMVY, but that's not entire- ly known yet. The trials were done with just one 6-week course. When he spoke with EyeWorld, Dr. Rapuano said he had prescribed Miebo numerous times, and while he hasn't seen all of these patients back to the office yet, patients describe it as feeling silky and cool. Coverage challenges and beyond Dr. Beckman said with all the products discussed in this article, he usually orders them in preference to what the insurance company will cover. "What every one of these has done is given me one more option because, in reality, they all work well for most people or at least some. There is a good chance that any of them will work well, and it's not worth the fight with in- surance initially. If I write for Xiidra and they get moved to Cequa by insurance, I'm not going to fight to get them on Xiidra when Cequa might work well for them and vice ver- sa. I cross that bridge when they come back," Dr. Beckman said. "The good news is a lot of these companies have ex- cellent rebate programs. Sometimes we say, 'This company has a coupon, saying pay no more than X. Are you willing to try that?' If the patient says yes, we get it." Looking forward, Dr. Rapuano said he'd like to see some of the challenges with early coverage become better addressed. He would like to see more options come to market that reduce compliance issues (fewer required doses, etc.). "I have some of patients where it's basically a full-time job, and they're doing something every hour. It's unfortunate, but that's what they need to make their eyes feel comfortable," he said. SUBSCRIBE & TUNE IN OPHTHALMOLOGY QUICKSAND CHRONICLES This popular ASCRS podcast has returned for its fourth season with the dynamic duo Nicole Fram, MD, and Elizabeth Yeu, MD, as hosts and exper t guests who will share case videos and discussion about the enlightening moments that allow us to "come out of the dark." inspiring authentic lively SEASON 4 I WISH I HAD ... Marjan Farid, MD, Cornea Editorial Board member, shared what she wishes she had: I wish I had an "all in one" diagnostic point-of-care test for dry eye disease that would give me information on multiple markers including osmolarity, MMP-9, lactoferrin, and others.

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