
DEC 2023

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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80 | EYEWORLD | DECEMBER 2023 P RACTICE MANAGEMENT by Corinne Wohl, MHSA, COE, and John Pinto About the authors John Pinto President J. Pinto & Associates San Diego, California Corinne Wohl, MHSA, COE President C. Wohl & Associates San Diego, California there are competing goals, standing conflicts, or consistently poor communication between phy- sician and manager leadership, being successful becomes more difficult. Here are key aspects of physician leadership that impact the practice. 1. Clinical excellence. Patients trust practices where physicians exhibit clinical excellence and a reputation for excellence is earned— and re-earned each day. A tarnished repu- tation may take years to rebuild. Physician leaders are challenged with balancing the time it takes for clinical care excellence with devoting enough time for the management duties required to lead the practice. 2. Communication skills. Effective communica- tion is vital. Physician leaders must communi- cate clearly with patients, management, and staff. This fosters trust and understanding. To be an excellent communicator with the man- agement team and staff, there needs to be a significant commitment to attend meetings and take time in advance to prepare for each meeting so you are clear on your goals and priorities. 3. Decision-making. Physician leaders face chal- lenging decisions daily, from clinical choices to business strategies. Strong decision-making skills are crucial to navigate these complexi- ties. Working closely and collaborating with a practice administrator you respect and trust helps make decisions less stressful. Leading the way: effective leadership and team building continued on page 82 E ffective leadership and team building are essential elements of success for physician practices. Managing a practice has become increasingly complex over the years. As patient expectations continue to evolve and rise, physi- cian practices must adapt and excel in order to provide contemporary care and remain finan- cially successful. Practice leadership sets the tone for the en- tire organization. It is leadership's responsibility to inspire, motivate, and guide the team toward common goals. But there are always so many responsibilities and projects to juggle. How do you prioritize and focus on the things that have the most impact? Here are four goals that highlight the importance of excellent leadership skills and where exactly to focus your energy and discipline. 1. Create a vision and direction. Leaders provide a clear vision for the practice's future and a roadmap for how to get there. In the dynamic ophthalmic environment, having a direction is at the heart of making strategic decisions. 2. Enhance the patient experience. Strong leadership allows for better patient experi- ences. When physicians and staff are aligned under a common vision, patient care becomes more coordinated and patient satisfaction improves. 3. Prioritize operational efficiency. Efficient practices save time and resources. Effec- tive leaders optimize processes, streamline workflows, and ensure that resources are used judiciously. 4. Adapt to change. There is a constant evo- lution of new regulations, technologies, and patient needs. Strong practice leadership can navigate these changes and guide the practice toward innovation and growth. The role of physician leadership Physicians play a dual role as clinicians and leaders. This leadership profoundly impacts the practice's success. It also impacts the success of the administrator and management team. If the leadership team is cohesive and works well together, managing the practice is smoother and provides the opportunity for more success. If As patient expectations continue to evolve and rise, physician practices must adapt and excel in order to provide contemporary care and remain financially successful.

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