EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
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62 EW CLASSIFIEDS May 2013 Marketplace and Classifieds 6LGHG (' ,OOXPLQDWHG 1HDU &DUG 6LGHG/(',OOXPLQDWHG1HDU&DUG 6LGHG/(',OOXPLQDWHG1HDU&DUG LGH OOXPLQ WH HG HD DU )DFLOLWDWHVOHWWHUV QXPEHUYLVLRQ VFUHHQLQJZLWKWKH VDPHXQLWE\VLPSO\ ÁLSSLQJWKHXQLWRYHU IURQWWREDFN/(' LOOXPLQDWLRQPDNHV WKHQRQ\HOORZLQJH\H FDUGVEULJKWFOHDUDQG FULVS/RQJOLIH UHFKDUJHDEOHOLWKLXP LRQEDWWHU\ www.eyeworld.org EyeWorld Daily News • The official ASCRS•ASOA San Francisco Show Daily April 20, 2013 Honored Guests welcomed at ASCRS Opening General Session by Cindy Sebrell ASCRS•ASOA Director of Public Affairs J ae Ho Kim, MD, and Harold A. Stein, MD, are the Honored Guests at this year's ASCRS Symposium. At today's Opening General Session, they will be honored for their contributions to ophthalmology. Dr. Kim is a leading ophthalmologist based in Seoul, Korea. He earned his medical degree at Catholic University of Korea and his PhD from Catholic University, where he went on to become an assistant professor of ophthalmology. In 1970, he was named a National Institutes of Health International Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore. By 1978, he was a full professor of ophthalmology at the University of Tokyo. Since then, he has served in many leadership roles at the Catholic University of Korea, including director of the Clinical Research Institute, chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology, and dean of the Graduate School. In 1994, Dr. Kim founded the Cernsan Foundation for Eye Research (CFER). In recent years, Dr. Kim has served as director of the 21C Eye Hospital of the Seoul Paik Hospital of Inje University and the MyungDong St. Mary's Eye Clinic Center in Seoul. During his long career, he has held leadership positions in many organizations, including the Korean Jae Ho Kim, MD Harold A. Stein, MD Ophthalmological Society, the Society of External Eye Diseases, and the Keratoplasty Association. He has also written more than 200 academic papers and 10 professional books. Today, he is professor emeritus at the Catholic University of Korea and chairman of CFER. Dr. Stein is a distinguished professor of ophthalmology at the University of Toronto. He earned his medical degree from the University of Toronto, completed his residency in ophthalmology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and earned his FRCSC from the Royal College of Surgeons, Ottawa. In the 1960s, Dr. Stein founded the first Ophthalmic Assistant Association in North America, organized continued on page 3 Glaucoma Day sessions focus on imaging, best practices, pharma innovations by Vanessa Caceres EyeWorld Contributing Writer and Erin L. Boyle EyeWorld Senior Staff Writer S ustained release drug delivery systems may be the wave of the future for glaucoma patients, although such systems still are four or five years away, predicted :HEVHDUFK$OVRYLVLWIRUH[WHQVLYHSURGXFWRIIHULQJV :H HDUF FK VR LVLW IRU H[WHQVLYH UR IR H RG RIIH LQJV II IH Thomas W. Samuelson, MD, presents the Stephen A. Obstbaum, MD, Honored Lecture award to Garry P. Condon, MD. McDonald Eye Associates Located in beautiful Fayetteville, AR, is seeking a full time ophthalmologist to provide comprehensive medical and surgical management of patients in a growing, progressive practice. Our practice has state-of-theart technology and facilities, including an on-site LASIK suite and surgeon-owned ASC. We need an individual who is motivated, innovative, capable of moderate to high surgical volumes and interested in the business of medicine. Individuals specializing in Glaucoma with an interest in general ophthalmology will be strongly considered. http://www.mcdonaldeye.com/ mea-book/ Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, CV and references to info@mcdonaldeye.com" Wisconsin The Eye Clinic of Racine is seeking an additional board certified or eligible surgical ophthalmologist. Start date is anytime between now and July 2014. We are currently a one location practice with 2 ophthalmologists and one optometrist. We have 12 lanes with Argon, YAG, IOLmaster, OCT, etc. Subspecialty welcome, if willing to do some general. This is a partnership track position with outstanding financial potential. Racine is a great place to live, right on Lake Michigan, with easy access to outdoor recreation, between Chicago and Milwaukee. Our ideal candidate will become involved in the local community. Interested candidate please email: Lawrence.platt@gmail.com or call Kate: 262-637-9615. Visualize your practice thriving with the most-deployed ophthalmic EHR. Stop by ASCRS booth 1508 to see a demo Iqbal "Ike" Ahmed, MD, Toronto, at Friday's ASCRS Glaucoma Day morning sessions. Medication use and adherence are major reasons why alternate drug delivery systems could work well in glaucoma patients, he said. continued on page 4 receive a FREE eBook. daily.eyeworld.org now on iPad