EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/129516
Amsterdam 2013 5 -9 O C TOBE R X X X I c o n g ress of t he escrs This year's programme not to be missed! Main Symposia Clinical Research Symposia Saturday 5 October Saturday 5 October Refractive Surgery in Risky Corneas: Is it Really Safe for the Patient? Sunday 6 October Femtosecond-assisted Cataract Surgery: Euphoria Amid Skepticism and Financial Restraints r 5SFBUNFOUPG.BDVMBS&EFNB r #BTJD3FTFBSDIPO$SZTUBMMJOF-FOTBOE*0- 3FTUPSJOH"DDPNNPEBUJPO r &GGFDUTPG1IBLJD*0-T r $PSOFBM4UFN$FMMT"'VUVSFGPS5IFSBQZ of Corneal Disease Monday 7 October Unravelling the Mysteries of Myopia Tuesday 8 October The Management of High Hyperopia Wednesday 9 October Treating Astigmatism with Cataract Surgery Binkhorst Medal Lecture Douglas Koch USA The Ablated Cornea: What Have We Done? Other Highlights Saturday 5 October r 3FGSBDUJWF4VSHFSZ%JEBDUJD$PVSTF r :PVOH0QIUIBMNPMPHJTUT1SPHSBNNF r 7JEFP4ZNQPTJVNPO$IBMMFOHJOH$BTFT Sunday 6 October r 8PSLTIPQPO7JTVBM0QUJDT r +PVSOBMPG$BUBSBDU3FGSBDUJWF Surgery Symposium r :PVOH0QIUIBMNPMPHJTUT4FTTJPO Sunday 6 October Offcial language of the Congress is English www.escrs.org