EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.
Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/129516
4 May 2013 EW Table of Contents What's on the horizon for MIGS? 34 WORLD VIEW 8 More devices, multiple devices, and improved techniques are giving glaucoma surgeons numerous treatment options. by Michelle Dalton Is glaucoma becoming a surgical disease? Glaucoma surgery practice patterns changing 36 Reay H. Brown, MD, glaucoma editor With use of trabeculectomy and tube shunt surgery changing, surgical practice patterns appear to be shifting. by Erin L. Boyle AqueSys glaucoma implant offers new way to bypass outflow obstructions and lower pressure 39 The device operates in the subconjunctival space and is a minimally invasive procedure. by Ellen Stodola Cover photo: Karl Brasse, MD, Eyeland-Design, Germany Feature May 2013 Glaucoma challenges/MIGS Secrets of success to beginning with the iStent 42 Fresh pearls from new users by Maxine Lipner Pharmaceutical focus Prostaglandin enters preservative-free zone 44 by Maxine Lipner N E WS & OP IN IO N Final session of ASCRS meeting addresses best papers 3 by Ellen Stodola and Erin Boyle Insights A clear and present danger to your practice 16 When using new technologies, it is important to be cautious and know the risks of malware and the possibility of a practice being held liable for breaches in security. by J.C. Noreika, MD, MBA I NTE R NATI O NAL International outlook Battle-scarred nation East Timor now battles eye disease 22 Phones, water, and roads may not work, but eyecare initiatives do. by Matt Young Chief medical editor's corner of the world Addressing the most common cause of patient dissatisfaction 30 Dr. Tipperman shares his ideas for handling patients who need laser vision correction to correct residual refractive error after cataract surgery. by Richard Tipperman, MD Device focus Contact lens trial in (potential) premium IOL patients 31 Outgoing president highlights new ASCRS educational initiatives 11 In his speech as outgoing president at the Opening General Session of the annual meeting, Dr. Chang reviewed some of the new educational initiatives launched by ASCRS. by David F. Chang, MD The art of advanced technology IOLs 18 Tools & techniques Inserting the Malyugin Ring 18 Step-by-step instructions on how to insert the Malyugin Ring by Boris Malyugin 25 Multifocal contact lens trials can be useful in determining who will readily adapt to multifocal IOLs, but only if the patient has worn these types of lenses in the past and does not yet have a visually significant cataract. by Michelle Dalton ISBCS: The elephant in the (U.S. cataract) room 25 Dr. Claoué presents a well-researched argument that immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery is not only safe but cost effective. by Charles Claoué, MD 11 31 CATAR ACT Anterior segment grand rounds Bungee cord blowout of the capsular bag 12 Cataract editor's corner of the world The debate around immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery 28 Dr. Safran presents a case of a 12-year-old boy who was struck in the eye with an elastic bungee cord. by Steven G. Safran, MD 22 Cataract surgeons in the U.S. and Canada give their opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of ISBCS. by Ellen Stodola Gender preferences with multifocal IOLs 33 Study finds gender differences in satisfaction levels with new multifocal IOLs. by Enette Ngoei