Jennifer Li, MD, Sacramento, California,
discussed DSAEK surgery and complications,
noting that "hypotony is your worst enemy."
To combat this, she stressed the importance
of meticulous wound construction, suturing
paracentesis sites and wounds, and watching for
overfiltering blebs or tubes.
Christopher Sales, MD, New York, present-
ed on DMEK, noting that when first starting
with the procedure, case selection is important.
Choose a normal anatomy, and use donor tissue
from a donor 60 years or older.
Mike Straiko, MD, Portland, Oregon, spoke
about safe vs. unsafe tissue injection in DMEK
surgery. Safe injection aspects include water-
tight occlusion of the main wound, short, stac-
cato depressions on the plunger, intermittent
decompression, and patience.
Sonal Tuli, MD, Gainesville, Florida, during
her presentation on corneal suturing, said,
Highlights from the 2019 Cornea
Fellows Educational Summit
"Typically, when you're putting sutures in, you
want to put them perpendicular to the wound."
Gregory Ogawa, MD, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, finds the two most common causes for
total IOL/bag complex dislocation are pseudo-
exfoliation and post-pars plana vitrectomy with
Anat Galor, MD, Miami, offered several take-
home points on dry eye: (1) it's an umbrella
term; (2) you need to find your own standard-
ized approach; (3) subtype and individualize
treatment based on what you find.
W. Barry Lee, MD, Atlanta, highlighted advan-
tages of laser-created flaps in LASIK: the ability
to customize; tight control over flap thickness;
and loss of suction is not catastrophic.
Gregory Ogawa, MD Sonal Tuli, MD Mike Straiko, MD