
FEB 2019

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Issue link: https://digital.eyeworld.org/i/1075962

Contents of this Issue


Page 86 of 86

See the Passion in Each Patient. Keep life in sight. Learn more about TECNIS® IOLs at TecnisIOL.com INDICATIONS AND IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Rx Only ATTENTION: Reference the Directions for Use for a complete listing of Indications and Important Safety Information. INDICATIONS: The TECNIS ® 1-Piece Lens is indicated for the visual correction of aphakia in adult patients in whom a cataractous lens has been removed by extracapsular cataract extraction. These devices are intended to be placed in the capsular bag. WARNINGS: Physicians considering lens implantation should weigh the potential risk/benefi t ratio for any conditions described in the TECNIS ® 1-Piece IOL Directions for Use that could increase complications or impact patient outcomes. The TECNIS ® 1-Piece IOL should not be placed in the ciliary sulcus. PRECAUTIONS: Do not reuse, resterilize, or autoclave. ADVERSE EVENTS: In 3.3% of patients, reported adverse events of cataract surgery with the 1-Piece IOL included macular edema. Other reported reactions occurring in less than 1% of patients were secondary surgical intervention (pars plana vitrectomy with membrane peel) and lens exchange (due to torn lens haptic). * Compared against AcrySof ® IQ (SN60WF), HOYA AF-1™ FY-60AD and enVista ® IOLs (MX60). Reference: 1. Data on fi le. Chromatic aberration of the TECNIS ® Symfony IOL. Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. Santa Ana, CA. TECNIS is a trademark of Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. ©Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2018 | TecnisIOL.com | PP2018CT5383 Leading Innovation Transformative technology. Reliable outcomes. High-Quality Vision Unmatched image contrast. 1 * Outstanding visual acuity. Exceptional Satisfaction Broadest IOL portfolio. Enhancing each lifestyle. Bring Vision to Life. L E A D I N G I N NO V A T I O N | H I G H - Q U A L IT Y V IS I O N | E X C E P T I O N A L S A T I S F A C T I O N | Not actual patients.

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