
JUN 2013

EyeWorld is the official news magazine of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

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June 2013 February 2011 weeks postoperatively in approximately 10-15% of patients, and detachments of Descemet's membrane, which can occur particularly if the device is placed too far anteriorly," he said. Other less common intraoperative complications include inadvertent goniotomy if the device tears free once engaged within the canal, iridodialysis or cyclodialysis clefts, and loss of the stent if it is released from the holder and falls behind the iris. "Postoperatively, the iris can also move forward and occlude the stent," said Dr. Harasymowycz. "In this case, a laser can be useful in pulling the iris back away from the device." He suggested avoiding this procedure in eyes with narrow iridocorneal angles to minimize this potential problem. Other late postoperative complications include uveitis, iritis, and hyphema, but these are all very uncommon, he said. The safety profile of the iStent was summed up by Dr. Samuelson, who has conducted several iStent clinical trials. "There are no measurable differences in safety between cataract surgery with the iStent and cataract surgery alone," he said. "MIGS procedures such as this may help fill the safety gap between the relatively more safe medications and lasers and the relatively less safe filtration procedures." EW Mass.), and Ivantis (Irvine, Calif.). Dr. Siegfried has no financial interests related to this article. Dr. Samuelson has financial interests with Alcon, AqueSys (Aliso Viejo, Calif.), Glaukos, and Ivantis (Irvine, Calif.). Dr. Sit has financial interests with Glaukos. EW GLAUCOMA Contact information Harasymowycz: pavloh@igmtl.com Samuelson: twsamuelson@mneye.com Siegfried: siegfried@vision.wustl.edu Sit: sit.arthur@mayo.edu The power of one The Editors' note: Dr. Harasymowycz has financial interests with Alcon (Fort Worth, Texas), Abbott Medical Optics (Santa Ana, Calif.), SOLX (Waltham, EyeWorld factoid Cataracts affect about 22 million Americans over age 40. THE ONE FEMTO PLATFOR M FE MTO PLATFORM AT for cornea, presbyopia and cataract. cataract. for cornea, presbyopia Presenting the unparalleled Ziemer FEMTO LDV Z Models – a technical revolution in ocular surgery. No laser is more precise, more powerful or more progressive when it comes to meeting all your procedural needs in a single platform. With Ziemer's FEMTO LDV Z Models, now you can operate Ziemer's with a modular femtosecond system that is easy to configure, designed to grow with your practice – cornea and presbyopia today, cataract tomorrow. tomorrow. www.ziemergroup.com www.ziemergroup.com Source: The National Eye Institute The Ziemer FEMTO LDV Z Models are FDA cleared and CE marked and available for immediate delivery. For some countries, availability may be restricted due to local regulatory requirements; please contact Ziemer for details. The creation of a corneal pocket is availability part of a presbyopia intervention. Availability of related corneal inlays and implants according to policy of the individual manufacturers and regulatory status in the individual countries. Cataract procedures with the FEMTO LDV Z2, Z4 and Z6 models are not cleared manufacturers in the United States and in all other countries. An upgrade possibility for these devices is planned once cataract options are available and cleared by the responsible regulatory bodies. 47

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